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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This will be a Mergana story based from Kingdom Come so spoilers ahead (may need tissue) I know I have said this before but her redemption arc had me in tears. Actually the entire thing had me in tears but that's so not the point lol, please go and read it on Tumblr or listen to it on YouTube you won't regret it if you love this ship as much as I do 😍 as always leave a comment and let me know what you think. Also anyone else think the Midnight album is basically Merthur/Mergana soundtrack hahaha. 



Morgana watched in no small amount of surprise as Merlin punched Accolon in the face, she heard the crunch of bone as his head snapped to the side as Merlin continued to pummel him and she jumped spinning around as she heard the door open. 

"MERLIN!" Arthur yelped in surprise and ran forward yanking his servant away from the prisoner. 

She had only ever seen Merlin this angry once before and she shivered as she remembered it being directed at her, she had forgotten how ruthless/badass Merlin actually was behind his mask of being the fool though he had dropped that months ago. 

"What the hell is going on here?" the king asked still stunned at the scene before him. 

Accolon just spat blood as he glared at Merlin before looking towards Morgana making Merlin snarl in warning and Arthur tense glancing between the three of them as if trying to figure something out.

"Get him out of here" Arthur grunted as Merlin almost slipped out of his hold still straining to get to Accolon murder in his eyes. 

Sir Percival came forward and placed a hand on Merlin's shoulder tugging him towards the door and she glanced at Arthur who gave her a concerned look but gestured after Merlin "Make sure he's ok" she raised an eyebrow. 


Arthur nodded "He shouldn't be left to his own devices, they can be......deadly and I don't want him to end in a crisis"

"But me?"

Arthur matched her look perfectly. 

"Why not you? I get the feeling this was about you" she pursed her lips remaining silent and Arthur nodded as she confirmed his suspicions. 

Still she wasn't sure that she was the best person to talk to him given their history, she had destroyed his life after all and the fact that she had tortured/tried to kill him at several points in their relationship not to mention the fact that he had poisoned and then eventually killed her...... 

Well they hadn't exactly been kind to each other in their past having ended up on different sides of the war. 

Arthur seemed to read all that on her face because he sighed and walked over to her placing a gentle hand on her shoulder "Merlin's been........" he frowned and glanced at Accolon who was watching them attentively despite the blood still dripping down his face and he tugged her further away from him to the other side of the cell. 

"He isn't the same person I once knew" he said eventually. 

"Its been fifteen hundred years Arthur were you expecting him to be?" she gave him a baffled look and he sighed rolling his eyes at her.

"Of course not but its just......" he stopped again and Morgana frowned, she had never seen him struggle with words this much before, Merlin must have really rattled him at some point if he was this troubled. 

"I don't think I can get through to him anymore and I'm scared of what he will do to himself"

"Why do I get the feeling there's more to this?"

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