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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is a Merlot AU crossover with the Musketeers. There will be a part two which will be a different story/ship but will continue on from the end of this one, as always let me know what you think and leave a comment.😘😘😘 



Aramis knew he was in trouble the moment he followed his Queen through the double doors. 

Being surrounded by swords was also a huge indicator that things had gone to shit but that didn't stop him from trying to find a way out as he scanned the guards looking for weakness as he discreetly stepped in front if his Queen. 

"What is the meaning of this!?" the Queen demanded staring in horror at the swords pointing at her. 

He shoves a sword away from him only for it to come back up and he clinched his hands into fists resisting the urge to punch the guard in the face, someone takes a step forward walking through the armed men who parted for him and he bites his tongue stopping the snarl in his throat as Rochefort stepped into his line of sight and he felt the Queen tense behind him.

He should have known this was a trap. 

"Where is Constance!?" he jumped at the yell glancing at D'Artagnan who was struggling with several guards eyes blazing with fury as he snarled at Rochefort who payed him no heed. 

Athos was in a similar state trying to get to him but he knew it was hopeless, they may be the best fighters in the regiment but even they couldn't fight through this many men not matter how hard they tried, they would likely get themselves killed in the process. He meet Athos's eyes and subtly shook his head and he quickly glanced away not wanting to see the desperation on his friends faces as he felt shackles lock against his wrists. 

"Your are under arrest for treason" Rochefort sneered eyes gleaming in triumph. 

Aramis felt the blood drain from his face. 

"Take him to the chatelet"

"He shall join madam Bonacieux at the executioners block" 

His eyes widened in horror as he remembered that Constance had stayed behind to buy the Queen time to escape from the palace, he'd hoped she'd gotten out but....

The strangled noise coming from D'Artagnan made his heart break and he tried to reach out towards him but grunted in pain as he was yanked back getting dragged out of the room, he tried to catch his friends eyes wanting to reassure him that she will be fine, that she'll......

What? That she'll survive this? That they could get their happy ending after everything they had been through? How could he when he didn't even believe that himself. He had finally reached the end of his rope, he had nothing left so why bother fighting when it wasn't going to get him anywhere? Why continue pretending? He wasn't getting out of this, he just hoped that somehow the rest of his friends and his Queen wouldn't go down with him. 

Aramis winced biting his tongue as his knees collided with the stone floor of his cell as he was dumped unceremoniously to the floor, hearing the guards laughing as they walked out of the cell slamming the door shut with a boom and he shuddered at the finality of the sound. Ignoring the urge to run at the bars and rattle them to test for weakness he slowly gets to his feet and takes a deep breath forcing his limbs to stop shaking and his heart to stop racing, he needed to stay calm and keep his thoughts clear so that he could come up with a plan. 


He turned and found Constance staring at him from the opposite cell and he rushed over as she reached through the bars and he clasped her hands tightly, she was shaking and her hands were ice cold, her eyes full of fear, her face blotchy with tears, skin pale and he quickly pulled of his cloak and handed it to her. She gave him a grateful look as she wrapped it tightly around her shoulders and he reached through the bars rubbing warmth back into her arms and cursing the red guard. 

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