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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! So I thought about this story years ago when I first started these but it never really got anywhere but now that Taylor has done her own version its popped back into my head so I thought I'd give it another try. This is an AU Mergana story (yes finally I know ;-) haven't done one in awhile) where Morgana decides to crash a certain occasion. 

Of course we can't have this story without its inspiration so enjoy ;-)



Morgana took a deep breath as she snuck into the church and settled into a seat at the back trying not to stare at the gaudy decorations and ridiculously dressed people, (I mean who wears a fluorescent green dress, not to mention the canary yellow hat she spotted on an old lady in the front) she caught sight of Gwaine, Arthur and Elyan all in a black tux and smiled giving Gwaine a discreet wave.

Oh god what was she thinking? Was this even a good idea? She really wasn't the kind of girl who would barge in on a white veil occasion but she also knew that Merlin wasn't the kind of guy who married the wrong girl.  

Not that he's told her that (well not explicitly anyway) but she knew him well enough that he didn't need too, she's known him since college when they were in their late teens early twenties and had become best friends instantly. Thing was it hadn't taken long for feelings to go from platonic too romantic and yes she was aware of the cliché, (the girl falling for the best friend whatever) but she dared anybody not to fall in love with Merlin it was as easy as breathing he was just that kind of guy. The only reason it had ended was because Merlin's father (the big shot intrapreneur of Balinor industries who now owned half of the business in London) had caught wind of their relationship and didn't much like the idea that his son was dating his rivals daughter (not that they cared about their families bad history) and had put a stop to it by literally uprooting his son and sending him to Ireland to finish out his education. 

They had had kept in contact as much as they could but once Uther had opened a new company in America and had wanted Morgana and Arthur to oversee it, it had become harder and eventually they had lost contact until about a year ago. 

The moment she'd heard his voice in the board meeting well she suddenly realised all those feelings she thought she'd gotten over......

Turns out that had just been wishful thinking.   

She shook her head coming out of her reverie as she noticed Gwaine straighten a little and her breath hitched as Merlin walked down the aisle in a blue Armani suit that hugged his tall frame and she swallowed hard ducking her head a little as he walked past. 

Nimueh the bride-to-be didn't exactly like her or her friendship with Merlin and had been trying to drive a wedge between them ever since they had met but apparently Merlin was well aware of his soon to be wife's jealous tendencies and had ignored her. 

Merlin had invited her, then she had been uninvited by Nimueh.

Sitting in the back as she was she had the chance to study him without being obvious despite knowing everyone else was doing the same noticing the tense set of his shoulders, the strain in his smile, the trapped look in his eyes. 

That was not someone who was looking forward to getting hitched.   

She knew that the marriage had been arranged by his father and had admittedly been slightly shocked that such a thing was still around but his father had enough money not to mention influence that everybody did what he wanted and that it didn't really matter what his son wanted as long as it aligned with his own agenda, Merlin being heir to the throne (so to speak) was backed into a corner with no way out. 

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