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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! Here's part 2 there are multiple time skips in this one the first is at the start of the story three months after where part 1 left off. 




Mordred watched as Merlin danced with Gwen a fond smile on his face as Merlin spun her around before bowing and motioning to Leon who had stepped in looking hesitantly hopeful, princess Amber squealed in delight as Merlin twirled her onto the dance floor and he couldn't help but laugh every time Amber stepped on his toes.

"Its nice to see him enjoying himself for once" Mordred jumped, he hadn't noticed as Sir Percival sidled up to him drink in hand.

Mordred blushed having gotten caught staring and quickly looked away from Merlin hoping the knight hadn't noticed but from the knowing smirk on his face he had and he sighed accepting the drink and rolling his eyes as Percival cocked a suggestive eyebrow. 

"You could ask him to dance you know" his eyes widened and he spluttered "What?" Percival laughed at the look on his face. 

"Merlin. You could ask for a dance"

Mordred just shook his head "Why would I do that?" Percival rolled his eyes. 

"Because you like him" he said slowly as if speaking to a child. 

"No I don't!" he said way too quick to be believable and he glared at him as he smirked, he grumbled taking a sip of his drink making Percival laugh.  

If he was being honest with himself he had been falling for Merlin for awhile now. Turns out being forced to live with someone really made you get to know them and truth be told their relationship wasn't as strained/forced as it had been three months ago. Merlin had slowly started to open up, there were still some topics Mordred hadn't dared broch (Arthur, Morgana, Gwaine, the war) but he knew Merlin well enough that he would mention them when he wanted to. 

"He doesn't hate you, you know" Percival said quietly watching as Gwen joined in with Merlin and Amber creating a circle of three as they danced. 

He couldn't help but think that Merlin looked pretty handsome in his robes a brilliant smile on his face eyes shinning with joy something none of them had seen in years, Mordred swallowed the lump stuck in his throat and shrugged unsure on what to say. He knew that Merlin no longer wanted to kill him but had he stopped hating him? Was he just putting up with him until they found a way to reverse the spell? Had he been forgiven was the bigger question and one he was never going to ask. 

"I know" did he though? Before he could say anything else though someone tugged on his sleeve and he glanced down in surprise. 

"Hey princess" he said smiling as Amber grinned at him. 

"Come on!" she said tugging on his sleeve trying to get him onto the dance floor, he laughed and allowed himself to be swept up among the dancers until he realised where Amber was heading and he gulped giving Percival an alarmed look. 

The smug bastard just waved at him and he glared eyes flashing gold making his drink spill over and the knight yelped giving him an indignant look, he just waved smirking. Two could play at that game he thought smugly. 

Someone bumped into him and his eyes widened as he realised it was Merlin and he felt his cheeks flame "Oh ooops sorry....oh! Hey Mordred. Finally decided to join in?" Merlin said grinning at him. 

MERLIN ONE SHOTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora