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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This will be a Merthur AU story where Merlin and Arthur are rivals in college and things get a little.....heated in the locker room ;-) this will mostly be smut ;-)



Arthur threw his top on the floor in disgust glaring at the mud that caked his skin not noticing the boom of the door as the rest of his team left, he ran through the play by play in his head and was so lost in thought that he didn't hear the sound of footsteps on the tile until he saw a bare pair of feet. 

He glanced up to find the reason for his bad mood leaning against the lockers smirking at him eyes dancing with humour, he was pale skinned, blue eyed, dark haired and......

Arthur blinked......

Merlin was bare chested his abs on display in nothing but his boxer shorts. 

Arthur eyes roved down Merlin's body unable to help himself following the curve of his muscles to the dip of his hips, to the strong thighs and back up to the full lips (still smirking) and the knowing eyes. He glared and crossed his arms over his chest a snarl curling his lip, despite the fact that his heart was racing and a he could feel a blush blooming on his cheeks though he hoped Merlin would attribute it to anger and not embarrassment. 

"What are you doing here Emrys?"

Merlin raised an eyebrow, they had never particularly liked each other even before college when they had been in high school. They had been rivals since the day they met on the rugby field both trying out for the same position and it had only gotten worse in recent years when they had both been offered the sports scholarship at UC Camelot the top university for promising athletes......in fact they were both so good that the university made another rugby team and had made Arthur captain of one with Merlin being the captain of the other. They would have practice games playing against each other and Arthur had just lost one such game hence the foul mood.   

"You took quite the hit out there Pendragon just wanted to check that I hadn't broken anything" 

Ugh that insufferable smirk was still on his face all he wanted to do was punch him.  

"Does Gwaine know your such an asshole?"

"Why would he care?" Arthur swallowed taking a step back as Merlin took a step forward. 

"You two are joined at the hip most of the time" and why would he care? has he really been paying that much attention. 

Clearly Merlin was thinking the same thing because his smirk grew, eyes darting to Arthur's lips and he could have sworn the temperature in the locker room went up a few notches as he continued to back up his back hitting the wall of the shower stall as Merlin stalked towards him. 

"You've been paying attention huh Pendragon" 

The space between them became taut tension sizzling between them as Merlin stopped in front of him eyes on Arthurs lips and he swallowed as Merlin leant forward and brushed his lips across his, before he could even process what the hell was going on Merlin's fingers skimmed over his ribs tracing his abs and he shuddered. 

"No broken bones it seems" Merlin's voice was low husky. 

Arthur swallowed hard as Merlin pressed against him and found that he wasn't the only one affected by the tension that had sprung up between them, Merlin's eyes glittered full of dark promise as he slammed his lips to Arthur's and he couldn't help the growl that escaped his throat as he nipped on his bottom lip. 

Merlin's mouth trailed down his jaw, teeth grazing against sensitive skin and Arthur arched into the touch as Merlin pinned his hips against the wall thumbs brushing over his hips, he bit his lip as his hand trailed up his ribcage over his chest and......

MERLIN ONE SHOTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora