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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! So this is a modern AU and a Merthur story. Hope you like it its mostly fluff and as always let me know what you think in the comments. 


Merlin struggled at the the door to his apartment trying to fish his keys out of his pocket as he juggled the bags of shopping and his son whilst also keeping a tight hold of his five year olds little hand so that she didn't run off which she had a tendency of doing, especially when he was distracted like he was at the moment. 

The bag in his arms ripped and half his shopping spilt onto the floor rolling across the carpet as Merlin bit his tongue stopping himself from cursing a blue least out loud, he didn't want his little ones to repeat it. Just then his son Mordred started to wail and he hung his head sighing, literally everything had gone wrong for him today. 

First Mordred had a nightmare at one am and wouldn't go back to sleep.....

Mordred's baby sitter had cancelled forcing him to take him to his mother's which was an hour away....

He had been late to work because Freya had refused to get in the car.....

Then he had gotten a phone call from her school while he was at work asking him to come and pick up Freya as she had been violently ill.... 

He'd had to cancel a big client meeting so that he could go and pick her up..... 

He had gotten home only to find that the power had gone out and everything in his fridge had spoiled so they had taken a family trip the the supermarket.....

Once they had gotten to the car it had a flat tire making them get the bus instead....

When they finally got to said supermarket both Mordred and Freya decided to throw a fit making everybody give him judgmental looks like he was a bad parent as he tried to calm them down..... 

And now it seemed he had lost his keys. 

Merlin felt like crying, why did it have to be today of all days? Merlin grumbled under his breath but took a deep breath knowing that Mordred was picking up on his troubled (more like overwhelmed) emotions and he started to bounce him to try and soothe him. 

"Daddy I need the bathroom" a little voice said and he turned to his daughter who was bouncing on her toes. 

Merlin rubbed a hand across his face and gave her a quick smile finally managing to locate his keys and with a triumphant look he pulled them out of his pocket. Maybe his luck was about to turn.....

Just as he thought that Mordred threw up and the rest of his bags split. 

Merlin groaned shaking his head in exasperation as he pressed his forehead against the door wondering if anybody would care if he just left it all there and ordered take out instead. 

"Need some help?" Merlin gave a startled yelp at the voice behind him almost dropping Mordred in surprise as he spun around. 

Merlin blinked staring at the ridiculously handsome man who gave him an apologetic look as he stepped back hands up in surrender and a smile playing at his mouth.

MERLIN ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now