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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is a Camelot AU set after Camlann where Arthur and Gwen realise that Merlin has always been a part of them and decide to show him just how much they love him. Will be mostly smut.



Merlin could feel Arthur's eyes following him around the room as he picked bits and pieces up from the floor wondering how on earth he could make it so messy (especially now that Gwen was sharing his chambers) but didn't really pay him much mind.

That was until he felt him come up right behind him crowding him as he pressed himself to his back nuzzling his neck and he couldn't help the gasp that escaped his throat his eyes fluttering closed as his blood pounded with sudden want heading straight south.

What was going on? Was the king enchanted? He wondered surprised at his own quick reaction.

He chocked as Arthur started grinding against his ass and he clinched his fist to stop himself from grabbing the king and throwing him on the bed to clamber over him and......

He let out a strangled curse trying to shake the image coming back to reality as Arthur spoke "Do you know how tantalising this is?" he yanked on his neckerchief tugging it free and resting his nose against the bare skin.

"What.......?" he tried to get his brain to work but this was all he had ever wanted and his desire held the reigns rather firmly.

"And these" Arthur continued nibbling the shell of his ear making him shudder.

Arthur snaked a hand under his tunic and he swallowed the moan in his throat as he felt his fingers dance over his stomach "Tell me to stop and I'll stop" Arthur's voice sounded utterly wrecked.

"Arthur I....." his voice died on a moan arching his neck to give him better access.

With what seemed like monumental effort Arthur managed to shove himself away and Merlin spun with a frown watching as Arthur ran a hand through his hair suddenly looking nervous "I don't want you to feel obligated Merlin but I......." he swallowed turning to glance at him eyes wide and vulnerable.

"When I was dying" he continued and Merlin couldn't help but flinch as the memory of Arthur bleeding out in his arms rose in his head. "I realised something. I realised that I loved you, when I thought I was going to lose you I didn't care about the lies or the magic or any of it. All I cared about was that I was dying and you didn't know how I felt"

Merlin blinked mouth dropping open at the confession his thoughts racing as he stared into his kings beautiful blue eyes only realising that he was moving when his back hit the post of the bed again as Arthur stepped into his space ducking his head but pausing inches from his lips.

"Don't say it just because I'm your king and you feel you have too" he whispered against his lips and he tilted his head up brushing his own over Arthur's with a smirk.

"When have I ever done anything out of obligation" he said just as quietly delighting in making the king shiver. "I've always loved you Arthur" he continued pulling the man flush against him.

Arthur groaned pressing him against the bedpost as he rocked his hips and he gasped before capturing Arthur's lips in a bruising kiss trying to ignore the feeling that he was forgetting something. He heard the door open and close, steps coming into the room but he was so lost in the feel of Arthur's lips, his bare skin as he explored his well defined chest 9never having been more grateful for his rigorous training ethic) that he didn't pay it any mind......

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