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AUTHOR NOTE: HEY GUYS!!! This is the second part. I've really enjoyed writing this one so let me know what you guys think by leaving a comment :-) ENJOY!!! There will be a few time skips in this one. 


Morgana glanced at the castle one last time memorizing it knowing that it would be a long time until she would be able to see it again.....she could see Gwen gazing at her through the window she held up a hand in a wave as tears streamed down her face and Morgana gave her a brave smile trying to hide the melancholy that was slowly stealing into her heart as she watched the castle fade from sight. 

She would come back.....

One day........

For now she was heading to her new life, running head first to the man she loved....

Morgana grinned as she hit the darkling woods feeling a weight drop of her shoulders as she took a deep breath letting the cold air rush over her and she laughed in joy finally free. 


As the sun started to set and she was sure that no one was following her she slowed her horse to a steady trot before they came across a clearing and she pulled on the reins letting the mare know that she could stop, she had made good time so she had decided to make camp for the night. 

She was eager to see Merlin and Mordred again but it would do her no good if her horse gave out from exhaustion, besides she was tired and hungry and needed to stretch her legs which were sore from ridding since dawn. Morgana jumped down and lead Lady (her mare) to the lake taking of her saddle as she bent to drink her fill, and glanced around getting her bearings before she set up camp. Unlike her brother she knew how to take care of herself on her own often having asked Gwen to teach her a few things especially over the past two weeks, it had been excruciating for her to wait so long to leave but she had to make sure that Uther didn't suspect her of helping the boys escape. 

It had been hard still pretending to be his doting daughter when all she wanted to do was claw his eyes out for forcing her to choose between what was right and her loyalty to her family though she could argue that Merlin and Mordred had become more like family to her in the short time that she had known them than Uther ever had been. Thankfully it hadn't crossed his mind that she would dare betray him again after being caught the first time though he did give her suspicious looks a couple of days after Merlin had escaped, but she kept up the pretence of being a betrayed princess and Uther had seemed to buy it and had actually apologised for his behaviour towards her following the escape even surprising Arthur by his sincerity. 

God Arthur.......she hadn't had the chance to say goodbye to him though she had written him a letter telling him of her decision and that he shouldn't come looking for them. She knew that once Uther realised she wasn't on a pilgrimage to her mothers grave he would send out search parties but she was planning to be long gone with Merlin and Mordred by then. She had made sure to tell him what he had meant to her throughout the years so she supposed that was his goodbye though she still wished she could have spoken to him one last time, she didn't know when she would return to Camelot (if ever) and she was going to miss him despite their constant bickering she did love him and she knew that he had been having a rough time since Merlin had left.    

Morgana sighed and shook her head coming out of her reverie as Lady nuzzled her, she smiled and gave her an apple stroking her neck before whispering a spell and lighting the fire. She probably shouldn't have been so brazen with her magic but she was cold and didn't have the patience to sit and light the fire by hand. She took out her bedroll and placed it next to the fire before she started preparing her meal wondering when Gwen had even had the time to make sure that she had enough for food for the journey as well as other essentials.     

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