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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is a Merthur story set in Camelot where Merlin is accused of magic and gets arrested basically the queen of hearts episode but with a few twists, I may end up doing a Mergana version depending on how this one turns out lol. As always leave a comment and let me know what you think :-) 


Merlin woke to the sound of frantic knocking on his door and he sighed wondering what Arthur could possibly need him for at this hour, clambering out of bed and throwing on a shirt he made his way to the door glancing at Gaius who was surprisingly still asleep and opened the door to find Morgana in a state and he felt his own alarm start to rise. 

She had clearly run all the way from her room not having bothered to even throw on a cloak which spoke to her haste and he quickly pulled her inside knowing she must have been freezing in her nightdress. Her hair was down and tangled, she was pale and sweaty breathing heavy with dark shadows under her eyes and he wondered if she had gotten any sleep. 

"My lady what is it?"

She blinked at him hand to her chest as if trying to slow her heart rate and he guided her towards his bedroom getting the feeling that she didn't want any one else to hear what she wanted to tell him not that Gaius was prone to eavesdropping but he could never tell with his guardian.   

Merlin yanked a blanket from the cupboard and wrapped it around her shoulders and she pulled it tighter giving him a grateful smile as she leant into the warmth. 

"I'm sorry I didn't know what else to do"

Merlin raised an inquisitive eyebrow sitting beside her on the bed, she turned to him and sighed rubbing a hand across her face and again he wondered how little sleep she had been getting. 

"I think my bracelet stopped working" she ran a finger along said bracelet and he frowned a knot of unease worming its way into his stomach. 

Morgana had nightmares.......

Well they weren't really nightmares more like prophetic dreams.

He'd found that out a few months after arriving in Camelot when she had dreamt about a girl drowning Arthur only to have said girl turn up in Camelot the next day, he hadn't thought much of it until Arthur started acting strangely and ran of to marry Sofia only to be enchanted to stay under the water until he drowned. After that Merlin had always payed more attention to Morgana and her dreams and slowly began to realise she had magic like he did and after a nightmare had caused her to set her room on fire he had enchanted the bracelet she wore to stop the dreams. 

"What makes you say that?" he asked slowly. 

"I had a nightmare......sort of?" she didn't sound convinced and he motioned for her to elaborate. 

"I was in Camelot watching a wedding ceremony" 

He gave her a confused look not entirely sure how to take that. For one he knew Uther was never going to marry again which left herself but if she was watching then that would mean she was a part of the crowd which only left........


Merlin felt his heart pick up and he tried to stop his thoughts from going down a rabbit hole. 


He didn't know what else to say, so far it didn't sound much like a nightmare maybe she was just paranoid because of her recent clash with Uther. 

"Tell me why you think it was a nightmare?"

"Because I saw Gwen being crowned queen" Merlin blinked trying to figure out what the hell that meant. 

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