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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This literally just popped into my head as I was watching a Merlin edit, I have basically flipped the changeling episode so that it is between Merlin and Arthur not Gwen. As always hope you like it let me know what you think.


Arthur paced in front of the fire place trying to ignore Merlin's worried look as he watched, his thoughts were running around in circles trying to come up with some way to stop the up coming wedding tomorrow.

He had been up all night wondering if he could get away with scheduling an extended hunting trip staying away from Camelot indefinitely and had almost ordered Merlin to get the horses ready but he knew that his father would just drag him back guards in tow.

How could he marry Elena when his heart belonged to someone else?

Someone who knew him so well it was like they were two sides of the same coin.....

Someone who didn't care about his title.....

Someone who loved him for him not because he was inheriting a throne.

Someone who saw him and not prince Arthur, not the mask he put between him and the world.

"Arthur what is it?"

Arthur turned to Merlin who was giving him a concerned look.

"How can you be so ok with this?"

Merlin remained silent and Arthur continued needing to understand.

"What would you do if I married Elena?"

Merlin swallowed hard and took a deep breath as if bracing himself for a difficult conversation, Arthur walked over to him and took his hand looking deep into his eyes.

"Arthur " Merlin turned away from him but Arthur still saw the moisture in his eyes.

"Arthur I....."

Someone knocked on the door and Merlin stepped away from him as the door opened and Uther walked in narrowing his eyes as he saw how close they were standing and Merlin immediately bowed eyes downcast refusing to look at Arthur.

"Arthur I came to speak with you about tomorrow"

Arthur resisted the urge to yell at his father to get out and just managed to stop his eye roll.

"Of course father"

Arthur's eyes followed Merlin as he discreetly left the room wincing as the door shut, Uther cleared his throat pointedly and Arthur's eyes snapped back to his father hoping the blush on his cheeks wasn't noticeable.

"It is imperative that tomorrow goes as smooth as possible"

Arthur raised an eyebrow at him.

"I know Elena is........" Uther paused apparently trying to find some good qualities about the visiting princess.

"I know this is delicate" he continued apparently giving up.

"There is nothing delicate about it!"

"When we talk about your future, Arthur, we're not just talking about your happiness, but the safety and security of the whole of Camelot. You may one day be a husband, but more importantly, you will one day be King"

"Father how can I be happy with someone like her? I have no feelings for her whatsoever"

"Then I encourage you to find some it can be after the wedding"

Uther gave him a pointed look and left closing the door behind him and Arthur grumbled walking to his window and looking down at the courtyard just in time to catch Merlin coming down the castle steps shoulders hunched and head downcast and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

MERLIN ONE SHOTSKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat