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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! Hope you had a good Christmas as we all ignore what it means for our favourite ship ;-) This is my first attempt at a Merdred story (with forced proximity/protection and enemies to lovers trope) set after the battle of Camlann where Merlin realises there are still a few surprises waiting back home.



He was being controlled Merlin thought as he tried not to glare at Mordred as he trained with Sir Percival, he was also resisting the urge to make Percival 'accidentally' impale him with his sword. He was being controlled by Morgana he said to himself again as he felt his magic rise gritting his teeth and clinching his hands into fists as he turned away from the window and walked back to his desk to finish the incantation he had been working on.

Merlin ignored the sound of clashing swords and tried to calm his racing heart shoving his anger and his magic back under his skin trying to block out the image of Mordred ramming his sword into Arthur's chest and Arthur dying in his arms.

But it was too late....

He saw Mordred thrust his sword into Arthur's chest as he screamed, saw Gwaine hanging from his restraints covered in blood from Morgana's torture, watched Arthur's boat sail out as he set it on fire barely able to stay standing as the tears racked his body.   

He yelled slamming his hand against the desk a blast of power tearing through the room breaking his furniture and shattering his window causing people down below to scream and he sighed slumping onto his desk.

Any minute now he thought.




"Merlin? Is everything ok?" came the concerned question as Gwen knocked on the door.

He'd moved into one of the towers of the castle about a month after Arthur's death knowing that Gaius wasn't well enough to help him through his loss of control and he couldn't have anyone else take up that problem when he knew he could kill them without even meaning to.....

So he had isolated himself up in the tower but that didn't stop people from coming to see him as evidenced by the queen standing outside his door.


Knowing that she wouldn't leave until he answered he waved his hand repairing what was broken and walked to the door unlocking it and slowly letting it swing open, slowly so that he could see if she was alone first and that no one else (Mordred) was with her.

It seemed that Mordred felt guilty for killing the king even under duress (Morgana's enchantment) and had taken it upon himself to be the queens personal bodyguard with the theory that if Morgana had gotten to the king despite Merlin's protection (which Merlin had vehemently and perhaps viciously told him to go to hell) she'd be able to get to the queen even from beyond the grave.

Thankfully no one had trusted Mordred enough to allow that but he was still a knight of the round table and would usually accompany the queen around the castle along with Sir Percival and Sir Leon that is.

"Your Majesty what are you doing here?" Gwen raised an eyebrow at him.

"Since when do you use titles Merlin" she said tilting her head scanning him and he sighed as her eyes filled with concern.

"You look tired" he grunted. 

"Thanks" he said sarcastically and she gave a small chuckle.

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that its just....." she bit her lip as if wondering if she should finish that sentence "Have you been getting any sleep?" she asked voice laced with concern he just waved her off stepping aside to let her in.

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