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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 🎆🎆🎆🎉🎉🎉🎇🎇🎇 This is just a little scene that popped into my head as I tried to come up with a New Years story, doesn't really have a story line but I liked the idea and decided to write it anyway lol.



Aithusa smiled (as much as she could being a dragon and all) as she watched Merlin, Arthur, Morgana and Gwen walk along the river Thames arm in arm glancing at the world around them in awe, laughing as they stumbled over their own feet.

They stopped by the London Eye and glanced up at the sky just as the fireworks started and she wiggled happily as Arthur wrapped an arm around her Dragonlords waist pulling him close as they shared a kiss and she sighed wistfully wishing that she could be there.

"Come Aithusa leave them in peace" she swung her head around and huffed as she saw the Triple Goddess smiling at her knowingly.

"As if you don't miss them either" she said haughtily and the Goddess laughed inclining her head in agreement.

"Of course I do but I know in time we shall see them again"

Aithusa snorted but got up from her position by the lake of Avalon and unfurled her wings.

"Happy New Year guys" she whispered sending her thoughts towards her Dragonlord down the long dormant bond between them. 

She took one last look at her friends happy that they had found each other again before taking off wondering what the new year would bring.


AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! I do love Aithusa despite her betrayal though I think that had more to do with the whole bonding through torment than any actual intention to betray Merlin lol. Anyway Happy New Year guys hope your not as hungover as I am 😜😜😜 can't wait to see what the new year will bring. As always leave a comment and let me know what you think 😍😘🥰

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