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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This will be a continuation of the previous story though it takes place a few centuries later with Sir Lancelot and the rest long buried and he bumps into Leon centuries after the fall of Camelot, not quite sure where this one is heading so bare with lol. As always leave a comment and let me know what you think.




Having a panic attack at work was NOT on my to do list today nor was sword fighting some random dude because he thought it was a good idea to threaten a police officer but I'm getting ahead of myself I should start at the beginning.


I jumped at the sound off my alarm and blinked at the sun peeking through my curtains and snorted shaking my head in wry amusement, I'd been so invested in my new book that I'd read through the night again. Grabbing my phone to shut of the noise I noticed that in the few minutes it had taken me to reach over I had twenty new notifications and a message from Lance all wishing me a happy birthday and my good (if slightly tired) mood evaporated. 

I sighed and leaned my head against the headboard wondering if I could get away with being a hermit for the day. 

I used to love my natality......ooops I mean my birthday. 

Sorry all the languages in my head get jumbled sometimes and I often forget which one I'm speaking which amuses Lance to no end when I suddenly slip into Old English or Brittonic in the middle of a conversation but I digress.   

Where was I? Oh right.....


Yes I used to love my birthday but after the first few hundred years of celebrating them the novelty wore off especially after you remember that you are immortal and that everyone you love will die leaving you behind? Well birthdays quickly lost there appeal after that and I couldn't even remember the last time I had even celebrated it.....

Had it been in France? Or the Victorian era? Maybe it had been during World War One when my soldiers had needed something other than war to focus on? I shake my head and sigh. Well it definitely hadn't been in the last few centuries anyway. 

Not bothering to answer any of them and grumbling under my breath I chuck my phone on the bed and head to take a shower trying to ignore the memory of the last time I truly enjoyed my birthday and forced myself to breath relaxing under the spray of the water letting my magic flow to the surface creating small animals out of the water and I couldn't help but laugh as it tried to comfort me. 

My magic had taken on a life of its own often doing things to try and comfort me these days, well if I'm honest it's always done that even in Camelot but considering it would have gotten me killed (at least until Arthur repealed the ban) I'd had to cut that part of my magic off. 

I sigh as I finish getting ready for work hearing my phone buzz for the sixth time in the past ten minutes. It was probably Dinozzo or Buckley inviting me out for the night, I put it on silent and yelp as I saw the time. 


I was supposed to be at the station twenty minutes ago. 

I grab my keys leaving food down for my cat and sprinted out the door as she glared at me giving me an unimpressed look. 


I slip into the seat at my desk sighing in relief when I saw that my partner and the rest of our team hadn't spotted me yet and started checking my emails. 

MERLIN ONE SHOTSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz