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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! Merlin is stressed and tense. George decides to do something about it. Not a ship just something that popped into my head and refused to be side lined lol. Smut is heavily involved in this story. ;-) ;-)



Merlin really should learn to knock. 

He barges into Arthur's room food in hand only for his eyes to widen as they met startled blue eyes and he quickly stepped back into the hall yanking the door shut, shaking his head as he tried to banish the image of Vivian on her knees in front of Arthur breeches around his ankles as she moaned her mouth very clearly occupied.  

Swallowing hard he heads back to the kitchen and shoves the tray back on the side demanding someone else take the food to the Prince before storming to the armoury trying to cool his rising anger and hurt knowing he had no right to feel jealous when Arthur wasn't even his but still. 

Arthur was allowed to fuck whoever he wanted.....

Didn't mean he had to like it....

But Vivian though? Really? He had to choose that vile woman? Why couldn't it have been a serving girl? Ugh he shuddered in disgust. He didn't notice George watching him from the corner of the room as he grumbled sharpening one of the swords and trying not to imagine that it was slicing through Vivian's neck.



George frowned watching as Arthur snapped at Merlin as they walked down the corridor, watched as Merlin's lips thinned, his eyes flashing in irritation before he snapped back and wondered not for the first time what the hell had happened between the two. 

"Well if you think I'm so useless fire me!" Merlin snapped and stormed off before Arthur could reply. 

He sighed shaking his head, he may have wanted a promotion but not like this. 

"Yeah like that'll happen" Arthur scoffed and walked down the corridor. 

He decided to go after Merlin. 

It wasn't fun for any of them when Merlin got this way. 

He wasn't mean to them necessarily but it set everybody on edge when he and Arthur were at odds as they were both snappish, their tempers on short leashes and he was surprised no one else noticed the tension rising within the castle the longer they continued to argue. 

He needed to do something. 

Merlin needed to let go of his stress and he had an idea on how to get him to do that. 

George managed to catch up to Merlin as he reached one of the empty chambers and called out to him "Merlin!" he stiffened and he knew the smile he was greeted with was forced. 

He stops in front of him before glancing at the open door and with a boldness he didn't know he possessed he grabbed Merlin's wrist and pulled him into the room quickly shutting the door, trying not to shrink from the glare Merlin gave him as he yanked his wrist back with a growl. 

"What the hell?" he snarled.  

"Your stressed and tense its setting everyone on edge" George replied. 

He watched as Merlin curled a hand into a fist apparently resisting the urge to punch him not that he could blame him considering their relationship had always been.....

MERLIN ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now