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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is a Freylin/Arlin/Merthur AU set in modern times but will start in Camelot. Merlin has gotten himself into trouble and Freya decides to help Arthur escape Avalon to help save him.





Freya felt herself fading as Merlin begged her to stay as he sobbed frantically trying to save her and she felt tears in her own eyes. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt so loved, so cherished, Merlin had been the first person to put her first for a long time and even after she had attacked his prince he had rushed to find her, to save her.

"There must be some way to save you" he pleaded.

"You already have" she managed to smile through her own tears. "You made me feel loved" she felt his tears drip onto her face mingling with her own.

She struggled to keep her eyes open wanting Merlin's face and the view of the mountains behind him to be her last memory "I don't want you to go" Merlin chocked out and she managed to pry her eyes open again.

"One day Merlin....." she paused trying to fight her fading strength.

She had to say this, she needed him to know, she had to make this promise and she couldn't do that if she allowed herself to be dragged under.

"I will repay you. I promise" she vowed letting it sink into the earth feeling a surge of power wrap around her as if in an embrace as she took her last breath.


Freya woke in an exact replica of the place she had died and realised that Merlin had brought her to Avalon and she felt her heart squeeze full of so many emotions she didn't know where to begin.

She was heartbroken about having left Merlin even if she'd had no choice in the matter, she was surprised that she had been allowed to enter the immortal city, felt a spark of fear towards the inhabitants of that city never really trusting the Sidhe within even if their power was now the only thing sustaining her, but mostly she was devastated that she had felt such love only for it to be torn from her.

She instinctively knew that she was here to guard those she could see within the immortal city and wondered if her mother was one of them, she also knew that she was meant to watch over Merlin still feeling a connection with the warlock. 

"Hello my daughter" she jumped at the voice and turned half expecting to see her mother.

Instead she saw a woman of otherworldly beauty and her heart filled with warmth at the familial smile on the woman's face and she curtsied not really knowing how else to greet a Goddess especially one of the Old Religion.

"I have heard your vow" she swallowed suddenly feeling nervous.

"You shall remain as the Lady of the Lake" her voice was like nothing she had heard before powerful like the roar of an all consuming fire yet gentle like a summer breeze.

"Do not despair for you will see your love again" the goddess continued "He will need you in the dark days to come"

Freya blinked frowning but before she could ask for her to elaborate she was handed a golden hilted sword and she gasped as she took the hilt feeling the echoes of Merlin's magic and she felt a smile bloom across her face.

"Your are now Excalibur's guardian, you must keep it safe." the Goddess gave a pointed glance towards the silver wrought iron gates and she nodded swallowing hard.

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