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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! So this was the original idea for Aramis but when I started writing Aramis I came up with a whole new story line lol so you may find some similarities. This will be a Merthur story. The events with the Dorocha still took place but it was a different knight who sacrificed himself and Lancelot returned home with the rest of them, the story starts in the 1700's where Lancelot has become the Musketeer Aramis and is living in France but will become a modern AU.

PS: If you haven't watched the Musketeers on the BBC I highly recommend doing so its a great series....if you have then this takes place after the events of the last season. As always leave a comment and let me know what you think. LOVE YOU GUYS!!! MWAH!!!  


Aramis laughed at the look on D'Artagnan's face as they walked through the newly re-built Garrison, the Captain had just found out that he was going to be a father and the look on his face was priceless. Aramis was so busy laughing that he didn't notice the guy walking towards him until he crashed right into him, Aramis grabbed the guys arm to stop him from falling over and gave him an apologetic look. 

"I'm sorry my fault I wasn't looking where I was going" he said and the guy glanced up and Aramis felt like he had just got punched in the gut as he looked into very familiar blue eyes. 

They looked so much like an old friend that Aramis had to do a double take, he blinked shaking his head as the guy laughed waving him off as he shook his head. 

"Don't worry about it usually me bumping into people" 

The guy gave him a friendly smile and he gasped as he realised that he did know this man, or at least had known his ancestor.      

Aramis studied the man in front of him, he had blue eyes that held a depth to them as if he was older than he looked they shone with intelligence and a hidden sadness that seemed to convey a deep pain though he masked it well with humour. He remembered watching as those eyes had turned cold and haunted over the years replacing the warmth that had always been there. His hair was just as messy as he remembered though the stubble had thrown him for a second, he almost expected him to be wearing his signature outfit a red/blue neckerchief with a red/blue shirt and a light brown jacket but he was wearing formal wear as if he had just come from a party. 

All in all he was the spitting image of an old friend but that couldn't be right.....?

Merlin had died hundreds of years ago during Camelot's last stand, he had witnessed it himself. Merlin had died in his arms gasping for breath and bleeding from a sword to the chest so this wasn't him.....right? D'Artagnan cleared his throat giving Aramis an odd look as he continued to stare at the man in front of him his thoughts racing. 

"Erm Aramis?" D'Artagnan said but he ignored him, it couldn't be....could it? 

The man/Merlin lookalike gave D'Artagnan a bemused look and shrugged giving them a friendly wave as he walked off. 

Aramis shook his head wanting to reach out and stop him, he had to know....No he needed to know if it was him. 

Even if it wasn't and he was just a descendant Aramis had to know, either way he would find out and maybe have some closure. 

Losing Merlin had almost destroyed him and knowing that he had descendants would make him happy knowing that his friend was still around even if it was through the generations. Aramis ignored D'Artagnan's curious look as he stepped forward yelling after the man wanting to stop him before he disappeared. 

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