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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is a Merthur/Morgwen story where Morgana already knows of her magic and helps Merlin keep Arthur safe and is the one to convince him that Arthur is enchanted mostly following the sweet dreams episode.



Morgana woke in a cold sweat with a gasp shivering as she tried to shake the images she had seen.

The streets of the lower town running red with blood, Trickler standing above Arthur, Arthur climbing through a castle window (which was weird enough in itself to cause concern) Vivian kissing Arthur (which ewww) the stands of the arena full of anxious people, a knight fighting King Olaf, Merlin kneeling in the sand Arthur in his arms motionless and glassy eyed with blood pooling beneath them as he cried eyes glowing gold, princess Vivian screaming for war, her own hands covered in blood as she plunges a dagger into Vivian's chest, Uther executing King Olaf and his entire household, King Alined laughing in delight as the five kingdoms devolved into war.....

She bolted for the antechamber grabbed the bowl of water she used to wash her face in the morning and apologising to Gwen for the mess she was about to make threw it over her head the shock of the cold water easing her clammy skin before scrubbing at her hands trying to erase the feeling of Vivian's blood clinging to them.

She could hear herself hyperventilating and gripped the dresser tight forcing herself to calm down.

"Morgana?" she managed to contain the scream lodged in her throat and turned to see Gwen standing behind her candle in hand and a concerned look writ across her face.

"Gwen" she said breathlessly still trying to recover from her nightmare.

"Is everything ok?"

"I......" the lie got stuck on her tongue and she swallowed, Gwen gave her a knowing look. "Would you like me to send for Merlin?"

Gwen was one of the few who knew about their magic having caught them using a spell during the whole Unicorn debacle and she smiled but shook her head "No I don't wish to wake him, he's been pretty stressed the past few days" Gwen raised an eyebrow.

"You both have" she placed the candle on the dresser and held out her arms and she stepped into them with a grateful sigh nuzzling into her friend's hair breathing in the familiar scent of coal and vanilla feeling the tension drain out of her shoulders the residual fear from her nightmare fading with it.

"Dealing with the other five kingdoms has you both wound too tight not to mention the short leash on Arthur who in turn takes that out on Merlin....." Gwen sighed.

"You know I often wonder whose going to murder whom with those two" she shivered a whimper escaping her throat as the image of Arthur lying dead in Merlin's arms surfaced and Gwen gave her a concerned look.

"Morgana what did you see?"

Her maid knew her too well it seems.

Of course she did they'd grown up together not to mention the fact that they spent almost every hour together.

"I'm fine Gwen I think I just need some fresh air"

Gwen studied her for a moment but sighed and nodded knowing when not to push and gave her a peck on the cheek as she pulled a cloak from the wardrobe and headed out the door. She walked down the halls listening to the sounds of the night as she tried to puzzle out what she had seen.

Morgana paused in the shadow of an alcove as she felt a shiver race down her spine a sense of dread pooling in her stomach as she saw Trickler walking down the corridor and frowned wondering what he was doing near the Prince's chambers and why he was even up at this hour as she glanced around looking for King Alined.

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