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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! Soooo....This one was a weird dream that I had with characters from the 100 despite the fact that the show I watched before falling asleep was in fact LEVERAGE (try to figure that one out lol).....anyway I thought it could be a cool little story so here goes LMAO....This will be a Merthur story...YAY....This is a modern day AU where some people are born with powers and some aren't, Merlin is the only detective on the force who has powers. His partner will be Gwen as they had a great friendship and I feel that they don't get enough credit in these types of stories lol. As always leave a comment and let me know what you think.   


Merlin sighed trying to stifle his yawn as he pulled up to the house that was surrounded by police tape and vehicles, he had just come from an all night stake out and hadn't even gotten half way home when he had got the call about a possible murder. As Merlin and his partner were the best homicide detectives in their department they had been the first to receive the case. 

He got out of the car and walked over to the police tape. Merlin showed his badge to the officer who nodded and waved him through telling him that his partner was already inside, he pulled on his gloves and noticed that the door had been forced open from the splintered wood hanging on the frame which meant that this could have been a robbery gone wrong or a blitz attack as they had forced their way into the house, it also indicated that the killer wasn't known to the victim. Once through the door he closed his eyes and let his magic flow through the house giving him a better sense of the crime scene, as it created a vision in his minds eye. 

He could sense that his partner Gwen was upstairs in the main bedroom and he got a brief look at the crime scene and he shivered as he felt the tingle of dark magic, moving on he could see Dinozzo taking pictures in the living room while Callen and Deeks were in the kitchen, officer Elyan and his partner were in the conservatory talking to the witness....

All this he got in a single second as his magic returned and he nodded to Lance letting him know that he didn't sense anybody else in the house, Lance grinned and gave him a salute making Merlin roll his eyes laughing.      

Merlin dodged the forensic team making his way upstairs to where the victim was, as he walked down the corridor he saw signs of a struggle leading towards the main bedroom, there was glass on the floor from the broken picture frames, a lamp had been tossed down the end of the hall there were a few streaks of blood either from the victim or the killer was yet to be determined and it seemed a gun had been fired as he could spot at least two bullet holes in the wall. 

Taking a deep breath Merlin braced himself for the horror he was about to step into, there was a sense of wrongness to the scene that confirmed his suspicion of black magic which would explain the brutality and overkill of the crime scene. 

The bed was literally dripping with blood and the smell of rotting flesh made him want to gag. Merlin glanced at Gwen who despite her many years of experience looked a little green so he braced himself for what he would find as he turned towards the victim. Merlin almost threw up on the spot....

The body was discoloured from blood loss and the head was at an unnatural angle, but that wasn't the worst part....

The worst part was the fact that it was hard to tell if the victim was female or male due to the fact that someone/something had torn half the face off, the victims throat had been torn open which would explain the spray of blood he could see on the ceiling and walls, there were several lacerations to the torso and it looked like they had been tide down from the deep ligature marks around the wrists. 

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