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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! Anyone else thing this picture captures their personality perfectly? This is a modern Mergana AU where Merlin is a guitarist/singer and Morgana a singer, she is not related to Arthur in this one and Uther is her music producer. I'm doing a Merthur version called karaoke night which will probably be the next one I publish. As always let me know what you think and leave a comment. 

P.S: Here's how to read the music. 

Bold is Morgana

Italics is Merlin 

Bold italics is both of them together 



Morgana walked into the studio sipping her coffee and trying to wake herself up, she'd had a late night playing around with a new soundtrack she was working on and hadn't gotten much sleep which is probably why she didn't notice the guy playing guitar when she first walked in.  

She glanced up and saw him sitting on the stool tapping out a tempo while his fingers strummed the strings so into the music that he hadn't noticed her come in. He had short black messy hair, had a light tan to his skin, blue eyes and was dressed in a casual top and jeans with a leather jacket. She got a definite troublemaker/bad boy vibe of him though she got the sense he was more the mischievous type than an actual bad boy. 

She cocked her head listening to the music and started nodding along lyrics springing up in her head and she smiled and slipped into the recording booth linking his sound to her headphones. 

She tapped her fingers to the rhythm getting a feel for the count and then started signing. 

"I get dirty thoughts about you
They get worse when I'm without you
Does that mean that I'm going to hell?
Or are you thinking them as well"

He looked up in surprise but somehow managed to stay in tune and she raised an impressed eyebrow, she gave him a questioning look asking if he wanted her to continue or leave him to practice in peace. He shrugged and motioned for her to continue and she grinned. 

"When I'm lonely
All the corners of my mind start racing
Things that should be kept in the basement
Spend my time trying to erase them"

He grinned nodding along switching tempo as he stood up and walked towards the adjoining door, nudging it open and walked into her side of the room so she discarded her headphones. 

"But when you hold me
In the fantasy it's so convincing
I shouldn't think the things I'm thinking
But now I've gone and let them sink in

The more that I push 'em away
The more that you're stuck in my brain
The more I mentally undress
I confess

I get dirty thoughts about you
They get worse when I'm without you
Does that mean that I'm going to hell
Or are you thinking them as well, oh

I get dirty thoughts about you
They're so strong that I'm about to
Say them all to you out loud
God can't save me now, oh

I'm frustrated
Do you really look good naked
And I know that it ain't that holy
But Lord I need this one night only

The more that I push 'em away
The more that you're stuck in my brain
The more I mentally undress
I confess

I get dirty thoughts about you
They get worse when I'm without you
Does that mean that I'm going to hell
Or are you thinking them as well, oh"

MERLIN ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now