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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! Still angry with me? I love you 😏😉 don't kill me. Here's part 3. 

Merlin struggles to deal with Mordred's loss and Arthur tries to deal with the aftermath of the battle and what it means for his kingdom, there will be multiple time skips in this one.

One, two, three.....

Deep breath.....

P.S: If your wondering why I've gone back to using Mordred's title its because he's no longer with Morgana and earned it back




Sir Mordred should be dead.

He was technically speaking.

He stood on the shore glancing around as the lake lapped at his boots idly wondering why he had been granted this opportunity when he felt a wash of reassurance come over him and he smiled relaxing as he turned to see a young woman walking towards him.

"Hello Sir Mordred"

He wasn't sure he still deserved that honorific considering the circumstances but he remained silent on the matter and instead answered "My lady" as he inclined his head.

She had long brown hair, a slim build and a familiar smile and he had the sense that he knew her somehow.

"I'm Freya"

Ah he thought.

This was Merlin's first love.

God Merlin he suddenly thought his heart (could he still call it that if it had stopped beating?) sinking. What must he be going through right now? Was he even still alive? He glanced around frantically but Freya seeming to know his thoughts placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Merlin is not here" he almost collapsed from relief but her grim expression had him immediately stiffening again "But?" pain flickered in her gaze and he sucked in a breath.

"He will be soon if you don't stop her"

"Stop who?" though there was only one her it could be and he swallowed hard.

"The priestess"

"I'm dead what can I do?" he asked trying to banish the anguish on Merlin's face as he lay dying from his mind.  

"He needs you" she said simply and he raised an eyebrow at her.

She did know he was dead right? I mean wasn't she the guardian of Excalibur (when it wasn't with Merlin or Arthur) and the Lady of the Lake? Plus wasn't she dead herself? He wondered as he stared at her in confusion.

"Go to him!" before he could point out to her (again) that he was dead she waved her hand and he dissolved into mist.


It was a tad disconcerting being tossed around by his own magic without a physical form to reign it back in but he couldn't really say anything when he was dead, it was weird enough that he was even still around (not that he was complaining!) no matter what form he was in.

Finally his magic stopped shunting him around and he found himself standing behind some trees glancing at two figures who had clearly been in a heated argument words and wayward spells flying around them as the storm hit its peak and he shivered at the dark taint of Morgana's magic in the air.

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