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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is my first Freylin story and its a modern AU where Merlin is starting to lose his memory of Arthur and Camelot and doesn't understand who he is when he returns. As always let me know what you think in the comments :) LOVE YOU GUYS!!! MWAH!!!

PS I love this song and it fits perfectly for this story :-) ENJOY!!!


I frowned as I glanced at the lake, I'd always lived by this lake no matter what time I was in. I knew that it must be important to me somehow but I just couldn't figure out why? All I knew was that every time I looked at the lake I was overcome with such a profound sense of loss that it usually sent me to my knees, but for the life of me I just couldn't remember why? I'd been thinking that maybe if I came out here often enough that eventually something would jog my memory and I could finally understand the pull this lake seemed to have over me. 

But it didn't seem to be working......


After staring at the water for what seemed like an eternity I sighed and shook my head, nothing was going to happen so why did I do this everyday? Was it habit? Muscle memory? Had something happened here that I had forgotten about and my mind was trying to tell me something? I had no idea....

Yet I still did it everyday....

Almost as if I was waiting for something? Ugh I hated this it was driving me nuts. I wasn't sure if I should be worried about the odd gap in my memory or not as it had been there for as long as I could remember so I'd learnt to live with it but it still unsettled me.

Perhaps it had something to do with magic I thought then snorted in amusement as I walked back into the house. 

"Yeah because magic is totally real Colin" I scoffed rolling my eyes.

I really should stop talking to myself......

Maybe it was time for me to get a roommate, I just never liked the idea always having been by myself, I didn't trust people easily though again I could never figure out why? I had a feeling that it had something to do with my past but as you may have guessed by now.....

Yep I don't remember. 

"Merlin is that you?" 

I spun around hand to my chest my heart racing as a scream lodged in my throat. 

Standing in front of me was a tall blond handsome (yep you guessed it) blue eyed stranger wearing what seemed to be some sort of armour, (maybe he'd come from a renaissance fair) and a scarlet cloak with a gold emblem that seemed oddly familiar......

In fact he looked oddly familiar though I was pretty sure that I had never seen this guy before in my life. 

"Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" I asked thankful that my voice didn't come out as a high pitched squeak.

The blond raised an eyebrow at me in disbelief taking a step forward, I stepped back suddenly wishing that I didn't in fact live alone and I could scream for help. My eyes widened and I just managed to stop myself from face palming.

This guy didn't know that I was on my own......

At least I hoped he didn't. I opened my mouth about to scream for help knowing full well that no one would come running when I suddenly realised that he had called me by a different name. 

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