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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! So this is a dark Merlin story where he is just DONE dealing with the Pendragons shit. There will be some smut not much and is a Merdred ship.




They say there are five stages of grief.





And acceptance.


It's time to add one more.



First he watched as Gaius was accused of being a sorcerer by the witch finder and burned at the stake.

Then Will had been killed saving Arthur's life who had thrown it back in his face because he was supposedly a sorcerer when Will had only said that to save his life.

Then it was Gwen's turn.

A couple of weeks later he'd had to watch Arthur kill the young druid girl he had saved.

And now?

Now he was in the throne room his fists clinched tight his nails digging into his palms as he watched Morgana forced to her knees as Uther paces in front of her gesturing wildly and looking every bit the madman he is.

He glanced at Arthur hoping that he would step in but his expression was blank and his eyes cold.

Morgana was shaking with fury or fear he couldn't tell as she watched her father pace in front of her and he swallowed the lump in his throat trying to calm his own raging emotions otherwise he would fling Uther out of the window and probably join her on the pyre.

"Then you leave me no choice" Uther snarls.

Don't do it! Don't say it! Please she's your daughter Uther for the love of Camelot DON'T! Arthur say something! He thinks in desperation feeling tears burn in the back of his throat.

"I sentence you......" Uther pauses a look of utter devastation flashing across his face.

I beg you please don't the single thought repeated in his head.

Goddess he didn't know if he could survive watching another friend die.

"To death" the blood drained out of Morgana's face and his back hit the column as his knees threatened to give out on him.

"Take her!" Uther said gesturing at the guards.

Morgana didn't even put up a fight shocked as she was and he watched as they dragged her out of the throne room.

"Father don't do this!" Arthur pleads.

Uther rounds on him in a fury eyes blazing as he gestured to the doors where Morgana had been dragged through "SHE BETRAYED ME!" Arthur flinched and averted his gaze. "And not for the first time, she left me no choice" he continued voice pained.

Arthur opened his mouth but sighed and bowed his head and he felt his heart plummet as he backed down "Of course father" Merlin closed his eyes pressing his lips against the sob building in his throat as he followed Arthur out of the room his steps heavy with grief.

He needed to come up with a plan.

In Arthur's chambers he watched as Arthur stood by the window ranting on betrayal and resisted the urge to shove him out the window and closed his eyes casting his thoughts past Camelot's borders searching for the druid camp.

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