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AUHTOR NOTE: Come on I just had too 🤣🤣🤣🤣

HEY GUYS!!! This will be a Merthur modern AU. As always leave a comment and let me know what you think ;-)

TW: Mile mention of Homophobia



Arthur hated open mic night!

He was swamped, he had been running from one end of the bar to the other trying to keep up with all the drink orders and trying to drown out the screeching voices of those doing karaoke, if he was lucky they might get a decent singer tonight but he wasn't holding out much hope knowing that those who usually did the open mic night were drunk.

To be fair they always had a good laugh at the end of the night though trying to decide if they should do seventies disco or the noughties for their next night though he wasn't sure if he could sit through another butchered version of Y.M.C.A.

Arthur winced as the guy singing hit a high note his voice breaking mid-way through and tried not to shake his head to stop the ringing in his ears as he handed out his latest pitcher to a pair of blushing teens and before they could ask him for his number (they had been eyeing him all night) he quickly moved on to the next customer.

He glanced around trying to find his co-worker and upon spotting him he grumbled rolling his eyes. Of all people why did it have to be Gwaine tonight? He was a notorious flirt, he'd rather spend the night talking to a pretty girl than serving which meant the rest of them would have to pick up the slack.

"GWAINE GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Arthur yelled making his fellow bartender jerk in surprise and give him a rueful look.

"On my way princess"

Arthur rolled his eyes and got back to serving just as a loud cheer went up from a booth in the back and he watched raising an eyebrow as a dark skinned girl tugged a skinny dark haired guy onto the stage shaking his head at a group of people who Arthur presumed were his friends.

"WOO GO MERLIN!" Arthur knew that voice.

Arthur frowned eyes darting through the crowd trying to find his sister, she hadn't mentioned that she was coming here tonight.

The girl walked up to the mic smirking as she gripped her friends wrist as if to keep him from escaping and Arthur couldn't help but laugh at the look on the guys face, he was blushing and doing his best to glare at his friend but the smile playing on his lips gave him away. Arthur couldn't deny that he was good looking with those piercing blue eyes and wild hair and he felt his breath hitch as he locked eyes with him feeling a blush flare across his cheeks.

"So my friend here needs some cheering up" the girl said into the mic and Arthur raised an eyebrow.

"He just found out that his boyfriend cheated on him so we decided to remind him what he gave up" she gently pushed him forward and he audibly sighed rolling his eyes as she handed him the mic.

"Awww" the audience cooed and the guy snorted clearly more amused than embarrassed like Arthur would have been.


Arthur finally spotted Morgana as she jumped up and down waving at the guy on the stage.

"I'm taking my break" Arthur called throwing the rag he was using to clean the glass at Gwaine who gave him an incredulous look as he walked past.

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