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AUTHOUR NOTE: Hey guys!!! (Anyone else thinking that his eyes follow you....eeep slowly backs away from computer) This is a Mergana story where they end up adopting Mordred after they help him escape from Camelot and will follow some parts of the episode. 


Morgana turned away from the window just as the axe was brought down killing the druid and she glanced at Merlin who gave her a dark look shaking his head in disgust wrapping his arms around the young boy he had saved. She studied the two seeing how quickly they had seemed to bond with each other and for a moment she entertained the idea that this young boy was their son they looked a lot alike, she sighed and shook her head they had enough to deal with without her adding her own fantasies. 

"Merlin it's been a few days how is he?"

"He's fallen asleep, thankfully his wound seems to be healing nicely" Merlin said checking the boys arm where he had been wounded. 

"Has he said anything?"

"Not a thing at least not verbally I don't even know his name" 

Morgana gave him a knowing look and pursed her lips. She was the only one other than Gaius that knew of Merlin's magic having discovered it when they had gone back to Ealdor to save his village and his mother.   

"You know, err, for a moment there earlier I- I thought you were going to hand us over to the guards." Morgana raised an eyebrow at him. 

"I'm glad you have so much faith in me Merlin" she rolled her eyes as Merlin gave her a sheepish look. 

"Besides if I was going to turn you in I would have done it a year ago" she added giving Merlin a smirk.

"You know that's not what I meant" Merlin said.  

"I'm just worried Morgana you are taking a huge risk letting us stay here" Morgana shook her head a fond smile on her face. 

"Merlin I'll be fine stop worrying so much" she smiled at him as he gently extracted himself from the boy and pulled her into a kiss. 

"I'm sorry I can't help it....." she smiled leaning her forehead against his, she loved how concerned he was for her but they had enough to worry about without him adding her to the list.  

"If anything happened to you I....." she cut him of giving him a gentle kiss. 

"Nothing is going to happen" she wasn't sure if she was trying to convince him or herself. 

"I won't see an innocent child executed" she continued. 

"We both know Uther is wrong, just because you have magic doesn't make you evil" Merlin grinned giving her a rueful look. 

"Morgana if you get caught....." Merlin sighed rubbing a hand across his face and she pulled him into a hug trying to comfort him.

"We need to get him back to his people" Morgana said gently and Merlin nodded knowing that she was right. 

"Yes and it needs to be tonight" Merlin said glancing at the young boy as he slept. 

"How?" they had debated on hiding him on the carriages leaving the town but had quickly vetoed the idea when they had seen the guards searching everyone going out of town. 

Merlin sighed and bit his lip as he became lost in thought and she resisted the urge to kiss him (he just looked too cute) and walked over to the boy wrapping her cloak around him as he shivered from the cold. She pulled him on to her lap only to jump as someone knocked on her door and she gave Merlin an alarmed look as she saw the blood drain from his face as they heard Arthur outside the door. 

MERLIN ONE SHOTSOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant