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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This story has been requested by @Ele_Multireader (hey boo I love this idea and I'm looking forward to trying this concept) and will be an established romantic Merthur fic set in Camelot based on the episode of the Castle of Fyrien.

Ele thank you for the request and can't wait to see where this one takes us :-) as always leave a comment and let me know what you think.



Arthur had just placed the finishing touches on the meal he (well the castle kitchen's) had prepared when Merlin strode into the room with an irritated huff.

"Really Arthur, you had to wait until I got all the way back home too....." his voice trailed of as he turned around eyes landing on the spread set out on the table.

His eyes shot to Arthur's "Arthur, what is this?" he asked and he couldn't help but chuckle as he gestured to the table.

"You've been working so hard I thought I'd treat you to dinner" he said trying to ignore the pounding of his heart, the butterflies in his stomach and his sweaty palms discreetly wiping them on his breeches.

Merlin blinked, looking caught off guard. He shifted his feet, suddenly feeling foolish. He should have thought this through and consulted with Morgana or Gwen. They had only been together for a few months (albeit in secret). Perhaps he was moving too fast? What if all Merlin wanted was a casual encounter? The notoriety of being his favourite? (Not that anyone knew, except perhaps Morgana and Gwen.) Maybe he didn't feel as strongly about Arthur as Arthur felt about him?

His troubled thoughts were cut of when Merlin dragged him into a deep kiss threading his arms around his neck and he felt the tension drain from his shoulder's as he fell into the kiss closing his eyes a content hum escaping his throat. Pulling back with a gasp he blinked his eyes open a little dazed to see Merlin wearing a sweet smile adoration deep in his gaze.

"You like it?" he said blushing furiously.

Merlin grinned kissing his cheek "Arthur this is so sweet thank you" he replied gazing at him in wonder.

His blush deepened and he ducked his head a pleased smile on his face before he pulled the chair out and gestured for him to take a seat.

"Thank you" Merlin said also blushing.

He reached for one of the plates but Arthur gently shoved his hand away with a smirk rolling his eyes as he said "Merlin you are not my servant tonight" he quirked an eyebrow but inclined his head and sat back.

"What brought this on?" he asked as Arthur placed a plate leaden with food in front of him before taking his own seat and starting to serve himself.

Arthur bit his lip his nerves returning as he studied the table wondering how to say what he wanted without sounding like the prat Merlin so often called him.

"Arthur?" Merlin said gently placing a hand on top if his where it rested on the table.

Taking a deep breath he took the plunge "I wish to court you"

Whatever Merlin had been expecting him to say it clearly hadn't been that as his eyes widened his mouth dropping open in shock, expression dumbfounded as he gaped at him, blinking rapidly he shook his head as if he mis-heard and raised an eyebrow at him.

"You what?" he asked voice higher than normal.

Trying to hide his embarrassment he laced his fingers with Merlin's bringing his hand up to kiss it before locking his gaze with his manservant.

MERLIN ONE SHOTSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें