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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is a Mergana magic reveal AU story that start's in modern times before time jumping back to Camelot. As always leave a comment and let me know what you think.



Emrys sighed putting down his pen and glanced at the scribbled spell letting a small satisfied smile break across his face, he had finally figured out how to get back to Camelot and change a few things. He knew that what he was planning could cause a cascade of changes and may even affect the timeline he was in today but he was done waiting for a king that apparently wasn't going to return and after fifteen hundred years of waiting he just wanted to see his friends again.

Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes and walked towards his spare room and to his closet pulling out the chest with the dragon emblazoned on the dark wood, with shaking hands he flipped the lid wrinkling his nose at the smell as he waved away the cloud of dust it kicked up.

He pulled out the long red robe fighting the shaking of his hands and the pounding of his blood in his ears, the racing of his heart as the memories rushed through his head. He threw the robes over his head feeling a shiver race down his spine at the familiar feel of the fabric and walked back into his living room waving his hand and lighting the candle with a flash of gold and started the spell.

"æt se þæt wyrd rǣdan cweornstān nestes hrycg æt bæcern þone anginn huntoþ"

Emrys grunted at the surge of power as it raced through his body the pain almost sending him to his knees as his apartment began to blur around him, shaking of the nausea tying his stomach in knots he summoned his staff using it to stay on his feet as the floor started spinning. His heart was beating a mile a minute and he had sweat running down his back as his legs shook but he refused to give in to the nerves/terror racing through his veins knowing that if he stopped the spell now he would never have the nerve to do it again.

He closed his eyes as a roar sounded in his head and he had the sudden feeling that someone/something wasn't happy with him and he felt something grip him tight as if it was trying to keep him from going, fighting the invisible bonds he slammed his staff down and roared his eyes shinning with fire and he felt the bonds shudder then break and he smirked as with an audible snap he felt himself get flung forward.



Emrys lands hard with a thud almost breaking his nose and pressed a hand to his mouth to keep from throwing up he slowly took in his surroundings heart pounding and hands shaking eyes tightly shut.

He could feel himself start to relax at the familiar smell of horses, without opening his eyes he tilted his head listening to the sounds around him praying that he had gotten the spell right and hadn't just landed himself in a different timeline......

There was a reason time travel was a bad idea.

He could hear the sound of clanging metal, could smell smoke from the forge, could taste the fresh food on his tongue but none of that told him if he was in the right place, for all he knew he could have landed in the Victorian era though it didn't smell as bad as London so he could be out in the country.......

The only way to know for sure was to open his eyes but he couldn't find it in himself to do so.

"Merlin!" he stiffened eyes flying open in shock.

"Yes sire?" he heard the reply and he shivered. Was that really what he sounded like?

Emrys pulled himself to his feet leaning heavily against the stables forcing his legs to steady as he slowly walked out of the stables and caught his breath. Standing tall and proud was Camelot the castle shinning brighter than he had seen it in centuries and he felt tears spring to his eyes as he stood there staring a small smile on his face.

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