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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is a just a little Merthur scene that popped into my head (when I was thinking of designing my next tattoo) set in modern day times where Arthur notices the tattoo Merlin has and wants one of his own. Hope you like it and as always let me know what you think. 



Arthur walked down the hall wondering where his idiot of a manservant had gotten to this time and came upon an open door and peered inside sucking in a breath at the scene before him a blush flaring across his cheeks. 

Merlin was training and he happened to be shirtless giving him a perfect view of the druid symbol on his back and he blinked in surprise trying to remember if he had ever seen it before when they had been in Camelot and coming up blank. Then he remembered that druids had often been identified by the symbols on their skin and would then get arrested whither they had actually done anything harmful or not and realised that Merlin had probably hidden it with his magic from fear of getting executed and he swallowed hard bile rising in his throat at the mere thought. 

"I didn't know you had a druids mark" he said startling Merlin so badly that he messed up his next move and he swore as the dagger sliced across his skin. 

"Shit Arthur!" he said a hand clutched to his chest not seeming to care about the blood running down his arm. 

Arthur darted forward horrified "Your hurt" he exclaimed in a panic "Oh god I'm sorry!" he continued frantically looking around for something to press the wound against. 

Merlin just gave him a dry look his eyes flashing gold and he stared dumbly as the wound stopped bleeding and closed leaving a small white scar in its place and he pursed his lips rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

He kept forgetting that Merlin could do that. 

"Hello Arthur nice to see you too" Merlin said raising an eyebrow at him. 

He gave him a sheepish smile "Sorry I probably should have cleared my throat or something" he just rolled his eyes. 

Merlin turned placing the weapons back where they belonged and rolling his shoulders and he couldn't help but find his gaze drawn back to the symbol on the back of his shoulder and the longer he looked the more he noticed familiar details like the curl of the tail, the slightly flared wings, the golden scales and blinked realising that it was the Great Dragon who was curled around a sword that was the exact replica of the one in his room and breathing smoke that seemed to form the shape of a triskelion. 

He frowned why would the druids give him that after everything that had happened? Is that why he had hidden it? Had he been ashamed to wear it when Arthur had failed him so utterly? Merlin turned back to face him and gave him a confused look worry creasing his brow at whatever he saw on Arthurs face and he shook his head trying to clear his jumbled thoughts. 

"Are you ok?" he asked reaching out for him. 

He wasn't sure how to answer so he just nodded and allowed Merlin to pull him into a hug and he sighed letting himself relax fully for the first time today and he couldn't help the content hum as Merlin ran a hand through his hair soothingly. 

Arthur pulled back and pulled him into a sweet kiss still marvelling at the fact that they could be so open with each other now in a way they could be back in Camelot. 

"I'm sorry you asked me something what was it?" Merlin asked pulling him out of his thoughts. 

"Oh nothing really" he shrugged but Merlin raised an eyebrow unconvinced. 

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