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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This will be a Mergana story, where Morgana is good and helps Merlin with protecting Arthur. I will be starting just before the battle of Camlann where instead of Morgana leading the army its Morgause so just imagine that everything evil that Morgana did in the series was done by Morgause and she has an alliance with Mordred. As always leave a comment and let me know what you think. LOVE YOU GUYS!!! MWAH!!!


Morgana hummed in pleasure as Merlin massaged her shoulders and he chuckled as she melted into his hands, their eyes meet in her mirror and he winked bending down to kiss her and she laughed as he pulled back. 

"That council meeting really got you tense huh?" Merlin said once he had finished and she shrugged. 

"Actually I've been tense all day" 

Merlin frowned at her giving her a concerned look

"I feel like something is about to happen...."

She saw an odd look pass across Merlin's face and she suddenly got the uneasy feeling that he knew exactly what she was talking about, however before she could ask Merlin turned away from her and sat down at the table pointedly avoiding her eyes. 

Morgana tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at him, Merlin was keeping something from her and she was damn well going to find out what it was. Her stomach had been in knots for days now ever since Mordred had escaped and she remembered the look on Merlin's face when they had found out. She had tried talking to him about it but he refused to tell her what was going on and whenever she brought it up Merlin just shrugged and changed the subject but she knew something was up. 

Merlin had been withdrawn and distant lately as if he had something on his mind and she had no doubt that it concerned Arthur.......

It always concerned Arthur. 

Morgana sighed and shook her head knowing that Merlin wasn't going to give her an answer at least one that was the truth anyway and considering that he was in a constant state of worry with the war and trying to keep Arthur alive she didn't want him to have to worry about her too.


She walked over and was about to sit down when she saw something black and slimy inching its way towards her and she yelped making a disgusted face as she scrambled up onto the chair trying to get away from it and Merlin raised an eyebrow at her. She shivered ice crawling down her spine as she watched it inch forward like some kind of slug and she felt bile rise up her throat and she pointed a shaky finger at it. 

"Merlin what is that?" 

Merlin frowned but glanced to where she was pointing and an odd look flashed across his face just as the thing lunged for her.     


Merlin yelled and she yelped as he shoved her out of the way crashing to the floor with it on his face, she rushed forward and tried to pull it of him but it wouldn't budge. Looking around in a panic she saw a black chest with some sort of symbol on the top and she narrowed her eyes.....

Wait that wasn't hers..... 

And it definitely wasn't Merlins either......

There was a crash and Morgana's eyes widened remembering that Merlin was getting attacked, she turned in time to see the thing crash into the wall and she sighed in relief thinking that it was dead. 

Morgana turned back to Merlin but his eyes widened and she ducked and the thing went sailing over her head heading straight back to Merlin, she grabbed the pitcher of the table and whacked it across the head? it made an odd sound and flopped onto the floor making Morgana gag but she held the pitcher aloft in case it went for them again. 

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