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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is just a little one shot of Merlin avoiding the knights as they try to apologise and Arthur finds out why there is so much tension between them and becomes a tad overprotective with established Merthur and set after the Lamia episode. 



Sir Gwaine walked out of his chambers intent on finding Merlin finally having recovered his  memories from their last trip needing to apologise for his actions and the words he'd said, he had never meant to hurt him but he knew that he had unintentional or not. 

Somehow Lamia or whatever the hell she was had managed to cloud his mind (and the rest of them except Gwen and apparently Merlin) and had turned him against his friends causing them to fight not just each other but Merlin too. After Arthur had killed the thing he had passed out and the memories of what had happened had become fuzzy and muddled upon waking but now they had come into full focus and he felt awful. 

He was so lost in his thoughts that he bumped into someone and almost lost his footing if they hadn't gripped his arm to keep him from falling and he blinked up to see Leon and Elyan. 

"Hey guys" he said with none of his usual cheer. 

"Hey, you ok?" Leon asked him and he nodded. 

"You look like men on a mission anything important?"

They shared a glance and he raised an eyebrow at them intrigued. 

"We were looking for Merlin"

"Ah" he nodded in understanding. "Me too" he added falling into step with them. 

"Have you had any luck?"

Elyan shook his head and sighed "No, I haven't seen him all day" he glanced at Leon but he too shook his head "Neither have I" Gwaine swallowed the lump in his throat. 

"Yeah he's been avoiding me too" he replied rubbing a tired hand over his face. 

"Can't say I blame him" Leon said with his own sigh. 

Gwaine nodded in agreement feeling like an asshole and from the look on his friends faces they felt the same. 

"We were really awful to him" Elyan said sadly. 

"We were enchanted" Leon tried to defend though it sounded half hearted and they gave him a wry look. 

He glanced up just in time to catch sight of a brown jacket and blue neckerchief and he quickened his pace calling out "Merlin!" he didn't even glance back but he knew that he had been heard as he noticed Merlin lengthen his stride. 

He shared a quick look with his friends before they raced after him rounding the corner only to find he was gone and they sighed, he often forgot how quickly Merlin could move when he wanted, his long legs helping him disappear far quicker than most. 

"Yep definitely avoiding us" Gwaine said. 



Arthur was trying not to stare as Merlin wandered his chambers doing his chores but he couldn't help it, he had almost lost him a few days ago and it had been a little unnerving how abhorrent he found the mere thought and he was now having a little difficulty letting Merlin too far out of his sight. 

"Don't forget I have training with the knights in the morning" he said just to have an excuse to look at him. 

"Of course we need to keep you in shape" Merlin said smirking as he glanced over making Arthur splutter in indignation. 

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