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AUTHOUR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is a requested Merthur story by @Celeste404100 inspired by the Bryan Adam's song Everything I do (one of my all time favourite songs) and by extension the film Prince of Thieves, (again one of my favourites lol) Celeste I love the idea and thank you for the request I'll enjoy writing this one. I may also be using the episode 4 (His Father's Son) of season 4 because that whole tent scene? If that wasn't Merthur coded ;-) then I'm dead hahaha. 

And hey we can't have the story without the song now can we ;-) 



Look into my eyes
You will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart
Search your soul
And when you find me there
You'll search no more

Arthur paced restlessly as he thought about what he had done, the fact that he had condemned his people to war not even a year into his sovereignty and sighed cursing his uncle to hell. 

He should have listened to Merlin, to his own damn instincts.  

Speaking of. 

He turned heading for the open tent flap and leant against the pole watching as the knights all settled around the campfire laughing and joking, jostling each other as Merlin gave out the food rolling his eyes good naturedly. 

He couldn't help but stare. 

Taking in the sharp cheekbones, the perpetually messy black hair, and pale complexion that never seemed to darken no matter how many times he dragged him out into the sun, the hands that could handle a weapon as well as any of his knights and yet be so incredibly gentle when bandaging a wound, the soft lips capable of a scathing remark or quiet praise.

But it was his eyes that captivated him the most. 

They held a hidden depth to them reminding him of the ocean, (what he remembered of it anyway having only been the once) a breath taking blue surrounded by gold.    

Even after all these years Merlin was still a mystery to him, one full of secrets. 

Sensing eyes on him Merlin turned meeting his eyes and smiled. 

His breath caught in his throat his heart thundering in his chest and he quickly inclined his head before ducking back into the tent wondering what the hell was wrong with him? Since when did he start affecting him so much? Sure he'd been having certain thoughts recently but they were just that right? Just thoughts....

Goddess he was screwed. 


He turns to see that the knights of the Round Table had entered and he raised an eyebrow inquisitively. 


"Sire" he replies before glancing at the others who all gave him encouraging nods and he glances at Merlin who shrugs clearly as mystified by their actions as him. 

"Well?" he asked when no one spoke. 

"We just want you to know there isn't a man among us who would not die for you. We made our pledge, and we wear the Pendragon crest with pride. Tomorrow, we fight in your name, sire. For freedom and justice in this land"

Arthur swallowed hard feeling touched a warmth flowing through his chest.  

"Thank you, Elyan" he said warmly at the knight "All of you" he added glancing at the others.  

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