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AUTHOR NOTE: HEY GUYS!!! So I'm trying a new ship for this one (at least new for me anyway) I have been listening to Kingdome come on YouTube (the unofficial season 6) and I love how the friendship between Percival and Merlin has grown and I feel like they would help pick up each others broken heart. So this will be a Mercival? Perlin? (no idea what the ship is called lol) story. 

Oh and spoilers from Kingdome come if you haven't read/heard it ......read at own peril. 



Percival wiped the tears from his face as he closed Gwaine's eyes placing a gentle kiss on his lips. 

"I'll find them Gwaine I promise"

He glanced out in the direction of Avalon and stood up vowing that Gwaine's death would not be in vain. 

He would find Morgana and kill her no matter what. 


Percival got of his horse to read the tracks in the fading light and ignored the foreboding feeling creeping down his spine, he couldn't be too far behind them now. He just hoped he got there in time, he swung back onto his horse and galloped through the forest. 

A few minutes later he came upon what seemed to be a campsite and he stopped unsheathing his sword as he saw something on the ground, as he crept closer he realised that it was a body and he stiffened tightening his hold on his hilt as he quickly glanced around ready for an ambush.

When nothing happened he relaxed if only a little and walked towards the body checking to see if they needed help but after taking another couple of steps he stopped tensing up again as he suddenly realised that he recognised her. 

It was Morgana. 

Gripping his sword in a death grip and bracing himself he stepped up to her ready to strike but......

She was already dead.  

He could see the blood on her dress, her vacant eyes, the surprised expression as if she couldn't believe that she had lost in the end, the blue lips, the still chest. With shaking hands he pressed a finger to her neck feeling for a pulse, he didn't want to take any chances (this could just be a spell of some kind) and felt a weight drop from his shoulders when he felt nothing. 

"Well done Arthur you did it, peace at last" 

As much as he wished he had been the one to deal the killing blow he knew it was better this way, he wouldn't have stood a chance against her. He closed his eyes facing the sky a smile on his face hoping that Gwaine could see him and know that his killer had been brought to justice, that Camelot was finally at peace.

"Its over Gwaine" he said quietly as he walked back to his horse. 


He finally reached the lake of Avalon and sighed in relief pulling on the reins to slow his mare, she nickered and he patted her flank as he jumped down looking around for Merlin and Arthur. His gaze locked on a lone figure sitting by the lake knees to their chest, head in their hands, shoulders shaking and he could feel his throat closing up. 

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