『The Meta Code』#NoMoreBullying

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I was challenged by @Projectmyst to do this, and I never back down from a challenge. So heres my stand!

I have never been bullied in my life, but I have felt and seen the depression, thoughts, and repercussions of bulling first hand. I hate seeing anyone get bullied. If I ever see someone getting bullied I help them out, I become their friend.

I fight against bullying, due to seeing first hand what it does to a person. I have seen people shrug, and say, "It builds character." A fair amount of my friends have been told this multiple times, yet I've seen that it doesn't build character, it destroys character; their humanity.

Nevertheless, we can make a difference. I challenge all who read this to not turn a blind eye unto bullying, and instead help those who are in need of a light in their dark world. I extend this challenge to @Sarsar14, @2writer, and @PureLove00.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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