『Chapter ❷❺.❶』

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Juliet watched as Andrew drained the blood out of the fish. The way he used his powers was a little scary, because he did it with such ease. It made her doubt if she could go through with her orders. But then she remembered the creators had said that he was also an agent for them. She wasn't so sure he was. He seemed like he really did care about this team, but so did she. It was just a matter of keeping their covers she guessed.

She wondered what the end of her mission will mean for her. A mission she must complete, a mission her sister must complete. One that would decide both their fates. Her orders to destroy Hunter's team, and break him so badly that he would do what ever the creators asked.

"So, we are just going to act like someone killed us. By slathering fish blood over ourselves?" Juliet looked directly at Andrew.

Andrew looked up at her. "That's the plan. Why, do you have a better idea?"

"Maybe," she was saying, "but I'd rather discuss it in privet."

"Okay..." Andrew handed his knife to Johnson, and then followed her into the darkness of the lush green forest.


I stood at attention in front of my old leader. I couldn't recall why I had been fighting him, or why we were out in the woods. I must've blacked out, but that didn't make sense either.

"Sir, what is our mission?" I asked genuinely.

He looked at me with his usual vigor in his eyes. "We have found a rebel cell, and must terminate it. We were in the middle of recon when a enemy telepath took control of you. We took care of her."

"I see..." something didn't feel right, but I couldn't tell what. "What are your orders then?"

While I waited for him to reply I took in my surroundings. We were in a very small clearing, and the pale moonlight made the forest surrounding us look intimidating.

"Be ready to attack. Our scouts will return shortly with info." He smiled.


"Why are you helping them?" Juliet truly looked confused.

Andrew tried to figure out why in the world she'd be asking that. "Because their our team?"

"Oh, come on!" A noise, in the dark woods surrounding them, distracted her for a second. "You can't seriously be helping them!"

"Why not?" Andrew was starting to get very worried.

"Drop the innocent act I know you're a spy."

"W... what?! You think I'm a spy!"

"Man, you really are good at acting. Yes I know you are."

Andrew gave up trying to act like he was innocent, and looked around to see if there was any prying eyes or ears. "Okay yes I'm a spy, but how do you know I am?"

"I know because I'm a spy for the creators too."

Though he didn't show it he was silently breathing a sigh of relief that his cover hadn't been blown. "I'm sorry I had to act all innocent, but I wasn't sure if I could trust you. Glad to know there's another spy true to the creators here."

"So why are you doing this?" She watched him for a second, obviously waiting for an answer. "I mean why act like the team matters? It obviously doesn't."

"Honestly I agree, but I'm doing this because it might save my neck. I mean the creators are going to have him kill this team."

"So, it doesn't matter."

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