『Chapter ❶❺』

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"You tired Mr. I'm all big and scary." Moonblade waved his hands in mock fear.

I wiped sweat off the brow of my head. "Naw, I'm just going easy on you." I grinned wide.

I was hoping that I could anger him into doing something reckless. If that didn't work I'd figure out something else to win. Besides that I didn't want to seem weak.

"I don't think you are." He grinned evilly.

"How about come over, and find out?"

"I don't need to." Moonblade made a whip with his powers. It's tip glowing from the raw power, and the air around it looking less than healthy.

I could feel the color drain from my face as he hit me in the chest. "Fine." I grimaced as the whips power began to burn my chest.


Genies fingers flew across the key board. While she used her technopathic powers to help crack the encryption on the drive. As she decrypted she organized the files into important or not so important. Finally she sat back in her seat.

"Okay so here's what I've found out on this so far. Hunter is a elite breed of Meta human. It says here that he's not even close to being fully developed. It looks like he could become a Elite Alpha."

Esparonza looked at her. "But that doesn't tell me anything! What makes him unique! What could make the creators that interested in him. I mean I'm an Elite Alpha."

"What makes him unique is his body's adaption to everything." Genie sat forward. "Also you don't want to be near him when the change begins... It could be chaotic."


I fell forward, unable to stand any more. All my will power drained. I could feel a hole as wide as my fist, and went the entire length of my chest. It hurt like nothing else.

"The fight is pointless with out the leader." Moonblade whispered in my ear. Then loud enough for the rest to hear. "Your leader has fallen! You can stop now, and be spared. Or you can continue to fight, and not be spared!"

I looked on as everyone, but Johnson and Andrew leave. "I won't abandon my leader." Johnson said.

"Besides I can't live with myself if I let you continue to abuse people." Andrew stepped forward, in a fighting position.

Moonblade laughed evilly. "Attack those two! I will deal with this one" he pointed at me.

I heard Johnson say something to Andrew. I couldn't hear what he said though. Yet I figured it was a plan of attack. Mostly because after he said it they both attacked with as one.

Johnson took out five people in one move. While Andrew drop kicked another into the five Johnson hit. It looked like a dance, with the grace with which they attacked.

"Take them down!" Moonblade screamed. His eyes bulging from their sockets. He turned, and looked at me. The hatred in his eyes could melt steel.

"What's the matter? Is my team too much for yours?" I cracked a sly grin.

"You won't be so amused in a few moments." Moonblade tried to kick me, but couldn't. I knew Johnson had put a force field around me. Apparently Moonblade figured this out too. As he was charging for Johnson.

Johnson had his back turned to Moonblade. He was fighting off three people at once. By the time Johnson noticed Moonblade it was already too late. As Moonblade hit Johnson, a burn mark appeared, going across his entire torso.

"You will fall like your leader." Venom laced Moonblade's voice.

Johnson winced. "I may fall, or you may." Johnson grinned, then winked at me.

I knew it was time. "Hey Moonblade! What was that you said?" I stood up with ease. "Oh, that's right. Give up, and I'll spare you."

Moonblade's men scattered until it was just him, and a few others. Shaking my head I looked at him. He just glared back at me.

Moonblade began to storm over to me, but was stopped by Johnson. Andrew standing at the ready. I motioned for them to let him walk over to me.

"You can have the girl." He spat out, not even trying to hide the hatred in his voice. "She was only trouble anyways. But be warned, this is not over."

His threat was not idle. It made the very air seem dangerous. "No, I doubt it is." I mumbled.


"Why did you call this meeting?" A woman in a black suit asked.

A man dressed conservatively answered. "I called this meeting to discuss the recent... developments of Z-25."

"Why in this room though?" Another man asked. He spread his arms to emphasize his point.

The room he mentioned was black, windowless, and was well lit for being nearly two-hundred feet underground. The only entrance was guarded from each persons personal guards. The only furniture was the table, chairs, and a Tv in the far corner.

"His genes are developing faster than we thought they would."


So that was chapter 15 what'd you think? Who are these people talking about him? What did you think Moonblade meant? How do you think Esparonza, or Hunter will handle the news of him being an elite alpha?

As always I I love the support from votes, and comments!

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