『Chapter ❸❺』

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I watched as my team retreated back towards the mansion. Only Andrew hesitated for a second, his eyes had a vengeful gleam to them before he followed the rest. That only left me to deal with Tala and the Creator's lap dogs.

With a battle cry Tala blasted a beam of energy at me. My body reacted faster than my mind could comprehend as I narrowly dodged it. I could feel it's heat against my chest as it passed through the air where I was only moments before.

The air around me shook as Tala moved towards me with supersonic speed. Sliding my right leg behind me, and bending my knees slightly, I braced myself to match her speed when I charged. We collided midway; the impact shattering the bulletproof windows. Her body crumpled on top of me under the sheer force of my momentum.

As I pushed myself to a kneeling position I was hit in the back with a knife.

"Tell me," I felt two more small blades plunge into the inside of my knees, "did you know?"

A petite brunette walked into my vision. Her feet where bare, and she only wore a knee high white gown. Her emerald eyes looked more like glass, and where sparkling with wild green energy.

I winced in pain as another knife struck me in the back. "I don't know what you mean."

"Did you know that I was a spy! Or do you just have a thirst for blood?" Bending over she drew a wicked looking blade, and she dug it deep into my hand.

I could feel the blood draining out of me. It's slow trickle down my skin was unnerving. I looked down towards my hands where a small pool of blood was building.

Tala groaned in pain as she stirred next to me.

My mind was becoming foggy. "No, I don't even know you."

"Lies!" She drew another blade, yet Tala's hand stopped her.

Tala twisted the girl's arm until she dropped her knife. "He's mine to destroy!"

Bowing my head in defeat I awaited for the final blow. None came however, instead Tala's hand was outstretched as if to help. I noticed the girl lay unconscious next to her. She cleared her throat as she motioned for me to take it. I only stared at her in disbelief.

As if reading my mind she shrugged and said. "It wouldn't be a fair fight. Now go before I change my mind."

I took it, and painfully stood with the knives still cutting deep into my muscles. I began to walk away as I felt the blades fly out of me. The shocking pain robbed me of my breath.

"You're a big boy you'll survive, now go!" Tala drug the girl back towards the Creator's mansion.

My only response was a slight nod of the head. I forged all of the pain into a single strand of determination. This determination drove me like a never ending fire.

I noticed how dark it had become as I slipped into the forest. I could still sense the guards' and their dogs tracking me. I had a feeling the next time I encountered Tala it wouldn't end well for either of us. I was grateful for the dark; my enhanced vision giving me a slight advantage over the guards.

My footsteps were muffled by the soft moss, and decaying leaves. I followed a small game trail all the way up a small hill before it ended. At the top I felt a sudden change in the air.

The animals must've sensed it also because everything, even the guards' dogs, went deathly silent. My first instinct was to run, yet that instinct was being drowned out by an primal instinct to hunt down this threat. I felt my rage at the Creators, my depression of Juliet being a pawn, and my disgust at my former team spike tremendously.

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