『Chapter ❷❷』

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Most of the other meta teams tried their hardest to mimic our entrance. Only a few actually were able too. It was very impressive to see them trying to look as dangerous as we apparently had.

The rest had failed... badly. Even those who survived had, at the very least, broken a few bones. I commanded my team into the woods to escape the awful attempts.

"Man that was... awful!" Juliet looked back towards the center.

Esparonza pulled Juliet forward. "We need to keep moving. The round will start soon, and we don't want to be in the center when it does."

"It'll be a blood bath." I shuddered at the thought of it. "Way to many people in one area."

Everyone looked at me, and nodded. Esparonza stuck her hand out. Johnson put his on top of hers. The rest followed suit until all but I remained.

I grinned a goofy grin. My hand landed on top of the rest. "One for all."

"All for one!" Everyone shouted.


We had made our way to the bank of the massive river. I could just barely make out several figures on the other side. They had made a small camp fire to cool some fish. My stomach growled again as I watched them.

Johnson had started to make a force field around them when another team came out of the woods towards the fire. I held up my fist to signal him to wait.

I then put two fingers to my ear, and one towards the new comers. Esparonza nodded then activated a long range hearing device in her helmet. The ones at the fire jumped up ready to fight the other team.

Esparonza patched in what she heard into our coms. It was very silent as the two teams approached each other. It was only then that I realized who the two teams were.

"Ah, D-15 it's nice to see you made it." A dark hooded figure said.

"Yes well we have lots to discuss." D-15 motioned to were they had been sitting. "Please come sit down Moonblade."

Angel gasped in terror. Her eyes had widened to the size of an apple. I quickly put my hand over her to stop her from screaming.

I motioned to Juliet's sister, who's name I learned was Jess, to take Angel somewhere else. As she took Angel I turned my attention back to D-15, and Moonblade. They had sat down while their teams surrounded them in a formation similar to what the CIA used.

"The audio, and cameras are off in this section." Two techs from each team said in unison.

"Good now we can get down to business." D-15 said.

Moonblade nodded, then snapped his fingers. All of his team began to hand out food, and drinks. "Yes let's."

"The operatives are in place in each team. We are ready to go to the second stage." D-15 took a plate of food.

"When it comes time my team will be with you." Moonblade began to chomp down on some fish. "Does Simeon know what your doing?"

"He does in fact all of the hunters do."

"So how many strong are we?"

"At least a couple hundred. Maybe more in hunters."

"So when do we take them out?"

"First chance we get."


They continued like this for a while. I had finally gotten tired of listening to them, and motioned for everyone to head down to the river. Only to come face to face with another team.


Wow I can't believe that this book is close to ending! I've only got like 5 or 6 chapters left. Anyways down to the questions!

What do you think Moonblade and D-15 will do? Who do you think the team that Hunter's ran into is? How about the agents already in the teams. Who do you think is the mole in Hunter's?

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