『Chapter ❷⓪』

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I eyed the suit as I put it on. It looked like it was designed just for me. Then again, as I looked at everyone else's suits, I noticed that each one fit their own personalities. Like Johnson's had a ton of holsters for weapons, and metal gauntlets. Esparonza's didn't have any visible attributes to it. But with closer inspection it had active camouflage, knife sheaths, and sound dampeners.

Something in my suit beeped. It was the three arc reactors in the spine of the suit activating. Four jets in my back fired up, then died and folded into the back of my suit. Steel infused titanium blades flew to my arms. I looked like a battle ready warrior. Come to think of it so did the team.

"Hunter your suit will need time to adapt to your body's DNA." Genie pushed two buttons on my suit. I instantly felt pain as needles went into my skin.

"Ouch! Okay but why use needles!" I really hate needles.

Genie did the same to Esparonza, Johnson, and the rest of the team. "It's to help it bind to you."

Angel winced when the needles went into her. I noticed, and gave her a quick smile. She smiled back, but still looked pained.

Next to be handed to me was a black combat helmet like what the U.S. marines used. Though it had a built in mic, and a Heads Up Display - HUD for short. The strap was leather.

The gauntlets were next. They were made of a metal I couldn't identify. It's sleek silver look contrasted greatly to the dark suits each of us wore. Each one had a screen, a small cannon, and a shield generator. Though Johnson's didn't have the generator.

Lastly were the boots, and other misc accessories. The boots themselves were the same black as the rest if the gear. The only thing that I found on them was metal spikes that'd pop out of them. Also they had steel toes.

"So we ready to go?" Andrew looked really jittery.

"I believe we are." I looked at Genie. "Anything else to give us before we go?"

Genie shook her head. "Nope, I'll be in the mobile flying command center."

"Good let's go." Everyone started to head out the door. Esparonza stopped me before I could make it out the door. I watched as everyone else go into the elevator.

I looked into Esparonza's eyes. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. I was still sore."

Esparonza looked down at her toes before she kissed me on the lips. I was startled for a second. Then for a second I enjoyed the kiss, but she stopped a second later. "I'm sorry too. I wish I could tell you everything."

"Hunter you coming or what?!" Johnson called.

I looked at him, and with a stupid smile hustled over to the elevator. Esparonza followed quickly behind. "Lets get going!"


So sorry again about the short chapter. I really hope I finish this by the deadline! I really hate writers block!

Okay time for questions! What'd you think about Hunter and Esparonza? How about the gear? I'm sorry about how dry the chapter was too.

As always comments and votes are extremely appreciated!!!

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