『Chapter ❸❼』

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All I wanted to do was sleep. Unfortunately life had other plans. The moment I walked inside the mansion I was greeted by my teammates fighting with each other. All were oblivious to me.

"He got what he deserved!" Esparonza was yelling Angel.

She was standing near the elevator. Maya was sitting in the far left corner sharpening her blade. Johnson and Andrew were lying down on the couches, and boy Angel and Seraphina were standing near the center of the room. It was disheartening to see my team like this.

Seraphina walked up next to Angel. "How could you say that?! The torture he endured has surely broken him."

"It's his fault that he was to weak to withstand it." Maya coldly stared at Seraphina while she sharpened her blade. "Besides..."

I interrupted before it could escalate any further. "There are no besides. He did what he thought was best, and I witnessed firsthand the type of torture he endured. Let us all learn from this grievance. We have much more worse things just on the horizon."

I watched as the words sobered everyone. Even Andrew looked up at me. Not one Meta I knew want to go up against the Creators. Yet I was and hopefully they were willing to help.

"I know the last few days have been hellish. I'm not asking anyone to join me, but when the Creators come I won't go peacefully." Setting my jaw in determination I looked each person in the eyes.

Everyone shifted in place uncomfortably. Angel wouldn't even meet my eyes, and Maya continued to sharpen her blade. Andrew seemed to be the least uncomfortable.

"Hunter we should just leave while we can. No one will blame you if we just walked away now." Angel's worried voice proclaimed in my head.

Andrew got up from the couch that he was laying on, and walked over to stand next to me. "He's right, and I'm pretty sure you all know it. I especially don't want to ever be near the Creators ever again. But we are now a target." He looked directly into my eyes. "I will never be taken alive again. I will fight by your side, and if God deems it, die by your side."

Johnson stood up, his eyes were full of fury. "What about our family? If we do this we will surely be putting them in harms way!"

"I understand where you're coming from, Johnson, but to be honest they already are. In fact she'll be in even more danger if we don't stand up." Walking over I put a hand on his shoulder. "I will personally guarantee her safety, and the safety any other family members in this team." I lied.

Looking in my direction Angel narrowed her icy blue eyes, yet didn't say anything. I shrugged at her as if to say, "Not yet anyways." She only glared harder, chilling my soul.

Maya looked at Esparonza, and together they stood up. "We will help." They said in unison.

Seraphina gently rested a hand on Angel's shoulder. She seemed to instantly calm, yet at the same time Esparonza tensed. So did Maya for that fact.

I had never learned what power Seraphina had. She must've had a good one in order to be so young and to be here. I would have to figure what is was soon though.

"Fine, if you're going to be doing this then give me some time to think about it." Angel begrudgingly said.

Johnson nodded. "Same here, I need some time to sleep on it."

"Okay, then. Whoever wants to sleep then go ahead. The rest of you get this place ready for an army to move in." I didn't move until it was just me and Esparonza left in the room.

Motioning for her to wait I walked over to her. "Where's Genie?"

"Upstairs, she's been working nonstop on designing a few new battle suits, and some weapons to help take out the Creators." She narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

I cleared my throat. "I just didn't see her down here that's all."

Her eyes bored into me for a few seconds more before she walked away. I couldn't help myself notice how light her steps were upon the floor. Each one was purposefully placed, yet looked so natural.

I laughed at myself. Me, a trained soldier, can be so easily amazed by girls. It was amusing how easily they could capture my attention. That was a distraction I couldn't have in the days to come. Closing my eyes I concentrated on my breathing, and started to block out my emotions.

Opening my eyes I turned and walked down the hallway towards the elevator. When I reached it the doors were already open. Walking in I pushed the button that would take me to the second floor.
The elevator dinged cheerfully as it stopped on the second floor. I wait a few seconds for the doors to open. I stepped out into the quietness of the second floor.

Nothing changed at first glance, though upon closer inspection the computers had been moved all the way to the library. A table large table with blueprints, plans, and designs now sat where the computers once where. A pile of electronics as tall as the table lay in front of the table.

However as I looked around the main room I couldn't find Genie. Only one light was on in the library. Naturally I kept my distance from it until I couldn't find her anywhere else. So I slowly made my way over there.

The door squeaked as I opened it. Papers flew as I froze in place. Genie speared around the end of a bookshelf. Her hair was a mess, and her eyes were deeply bloodshot.

"Genie..." I started to say.

She cut me off quickly. "Look I'm really busy, do make it quick and worth my time."

"Okay I will." I took a deep breath. "Genie, I need two favors. The first one is easy, if the battle doesn't look like we will win, then I need you to have the team, Maya, and anyone else we choose, to be out of this compound before the Creators have time to stop you."

"By 'we' you don't mean the team do you." Genie seemed to tired to glare, yet she tried.

I laugh. "No it's just you and me who decide. As for the second part... I need a suit."

It's her turn to laugh, even if it's dryly. "I'm already making one. What do you think I've been doing up here?!"

"Not the one I need." My voice sounded grave even to my ears.

-- half an hour later --

"This backup plan, it may kill you in the process." Genie had never seemed worried until now.

I shook my head in agreement. This was suicide, but it would work. "I understand the risks if I didn't I would never be asking you to do this."

She studied me with an intensity so great it made me wonder if lasers would be flying out of her eyes at any given second. You never know what powers may manifest themselves. Finally she shook her head, and started to walk away.

She stopped her back still turned faced me. "Hopefully you won't need your plan B."

I hoped she was right. I didn't want to think of how many Metas' lives would be lost if I had to go to plan B, but more lives would be lost if I didn't. Though either way I had Metas to go recruit.



Another short chapter... hopefully I can write more once school gets into full swing. If not I'll have to find another way to write my books.

Why do you think Hunter sounds so grave? What about him having Genie save the team if it goes south. How about the recruiting, how do you think it will work out for them?

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