『Chapter ❸❽』

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Standing at the front door of our new 'base' of operations. A little over an hour had passed since the final Meta joined, and we closed the recruitment. We were still mind-sweeping the final two-hundred semodd' Metas left. The rest were inside getting their new suits.

This - right here - was my army. I thought that I would feel some sort of satisfaction, yet all I felt was dread of being responsible for so many lives. It's burning, icy, fingers never releasing its grip on my soul.

My thoughts were interrupted by a squat Asian boy. "You're Hunter correct?"

"Last I checked I was." His thick Texan accent threw me off.

"Tis' a true honor sir." He stuck out his hand to shake. I clasped his hand in a mutual vice like grip as we shook hands. "The way you've stood up against our oppressors, and not break to them, is inspiring to say the least."

"Er' uh, thanks. Really though it should be everyone brave enough to join us. They're the true inspirations."

A laugh rumbled out of his mouth. "Only because of you. Many would give their very lives for you."

I didn't know what to think of this. I knew that I'm asking them to very possibly die for me, or worse still, be tortured for me. Worry's burning cold grip was coming back to crush my soul.

This is war, you can't worry yourself about what will happen to those who signed up. I didn't like those thoughts even if they were my own. I couldn't allow everyone to charge blindly into battle with me. Not without them knowing the stakes.

"Hunter, they know the stakes. They're willing to give up everything for this cause." I really disliked how Esparonza could so easily read my mind.

Esparonza was standing next to me. Her hand was on delicately placed on my shoulder. Her eyes seemed to be overflowing with concern.

"Esparonza, I've seen how they torture us. I've felt first hand how far they'd go to have the perfect soldier. I'm a witness to their atrocities." I didn't realize it until Esparonza opened up my hand, but it had been clenched into a tight fist.

Her dark sea like eyes were searching mine. "Hunter, you are the perfect soldier."

"Please don't say that. Esparonza, I'm no soldier, I'm just a coward pretending to be strong. I'm scared of what may happen, and of losing you guys. I've started something that I can't win." My eyes couldn't seem to look into her's.

She slapped her hand across my face. "You snap out of it! I know at your core you don't believe that."

"No I-"

"Not another word. We are doing this, and you need to get your mind together." Turning her back to me she said. "Hunter, don't let your fears win. If you do we all die."


Esparonza sat on her bed. It's comforting softness wasn't helping her troubled thoughts at all. Hundreds of thoughts raced through her mind. Every single one was about Hunter, yet none were happy.

Esparonza couldn't understand why he didn't want to fight. She hadn't seen what he had in the creators mansion, but she couldn't imagine anything shaking Hunter that bad. Seeing his resurrected team probably didn't help him either.

Then there was how Angel was able to break her control over her. She couldn't understand how it was possible. She was the strongest telepath known. It almost made sense though, Angel couldn't seem to control her powers, and could invade people's mind without trying. She too could be an Elite Alpha.

The dark wooden door opened. Maya walked into the room with deadly silence. She was still in her clothes from the night before.

Andrew followed closely behind her. His eyes seemed dull somehow. It was like looking at dead person's eyes. He walked uncertainly, as if the very floor would swallow him up.

"Close the door please." Esparonza waited until it was closed. "Thank you, Andrew. Now shall we begin?"

Maya nodded in approval.

"I don't know. What are we going to talk about?" Andrew winced as he heard how scratchy his voice sounded.

"We're going to be talking about our own strategy for taking down the Creators." Esparonza stood, her face was soft with kindness. "We three are the only ones that are a part of the resistance."

"You really want to involve them?" Maya asked.

"Are you crazy?! You do realize Grace is a traitor, and still has the power to call off the resistance." Esparonza could hear the fear in Andrew's voice.

"Not if she doesn't get wind of it. I'm positive that we will need their help." She didn't think Hunter's 'army' could actually win without a little outside help.

"This'll be a dangerous game. Are you sure-"

"I would be sure if I hadn't asked you to meet me." It actually surprised Esparonza how Maya questioned her. She rarely ever did.

"Okay, so what do we tell them we need?" Andrew was fingering the small silver cross that hung from his neck.

Both Maya and Esparonza answered in unison. "We tell them to attack the perimeter right before we attack."

"Right then." He talked into his cross, repeating the orders. "All forces be on stand by, and remember Grace has betrayed the cause. I repeat Grace has betrayed the cause."

Esparonza expectantly waited for a reply from the cross. None came however. Andrew closed it, and smiled nervously. Everyone knew that they had a fifty-fifty chance of help.

"Right then." Esparonza walked across her room to the door. "Meeting adjourned."

Walking out into the hallway she let her senses absorb the fragrant smell from the flowers, and the cleaner used in the floor. She would never admit it, but she enjoyed the smell. It was the smell of life, and not bloody death.

Esparonza felt Maya's hand on her shoulder. "Esparonza, why are you going to such trouble to help Hunter?"

Without looking at Maya, Esparonza replied. "Why do you want to know?"

"Because you're usually the stoic ninja not me." Maya's voice was actually laced with concern. "Come on you know me. We're practically sisters; if you can't trust me who can you trust?"

Sighing Esparonza turned to face Maya. Her stance was completely unguarded. Her back was relaxed. Her eyes full of questions.

"Hunter is," Esparonza's hand spun as she dug for the correct word. "Unique. He's a trained killer, yet he still has morals. He still values life. He's not a monster, he's not li-"

Maya smile sadly. "Like us."



So it's been roughly two months since I last posted. I regret that this has happened, yet as I look back I'm not as sorry as I probably should be. This time off has allowed me to write more (which means that I should have a few prewritten chapters ready to go in a emergency), read more, and just enjoy myself.

What I'm sorrier about is that (1) this chapter is so short, and (2) not being able to bring more action to chapter.

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