『Chapter ❸❾』

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Lightning struck all around Hunter. Trees burst into a million flaming shards as the lightning touched them. The smell of an entire forest burning filled his lungs.

Hundreds of bodies lined the ground around him. Somehow he knew most of them were of his own side's. His friends lay scattered about, intermingling with the rest of the dead. No life left in any of them, yet still laid as brave and defying as only the dead could.

"Your forces are defeated, and your friends are dead. Why do you still fight." Tala taunted.

Hunter just laughed darkly. His power danced from brilliant silver to a black so dark it seemed void of all light. The lightning in the sky seemed to understand his mood, and increased in frequency. Nothing seemed to escape it's onslaught.

"You killed my family." Hunter growled.

Tala laughed. "They weren't your true family, they were your friends."

"You still killed them." Hunter's eyes grew wide as he laughed. "So now I'm going to kill your friends, your family."

"You mean like how you killed your family, and friends. Hunter we are one in the same. We're two sides of one coin." Tala said.

"We're nothing alike." Hunter replied darkly.

Tala bent her neck to angle her head. Her pointer finger tapped her bottom lip as she playfully thought. "Then why is their blood on your hands?"

He looked down to his shaking hands. There was dried blood mixed with still sticky blood. His fingernails were caked with bloody yellowish fat. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.


"Nooooo!" Hunter screamed.

He felt like any food he had eaten would claw its way out of him. He doubled over in pain while he clutched his stomach. He could feel bile bubbling it's way up to his mouth. The taste of bitter acid dominated any other sense as he forced himself to swallow it back down.

Hunter realized that he had fell asleep in a chair next to the common room's coffee table. Mostly due to the fact that his quarters were filled with Metas. Hence, leaving him to sleep in the chair.

Getting up Hunter made his way into the kitchen. He crashed around through the dishes in the cabinets until he found what he was looking for, a ceramic bright red solo cup. It's shiny surface nearly mesmerizing in the low light.

Closing the cabinets as quietly as possible, and opening the fridge with as much stealth as he could, Hunter poured himself a cup of iced coffee.

A girl in black tattered jeans, and a dark skin tight t-shirt reading, "Come and get it" walked up behind Hunter. Her shiny black hair with bleached blonde highlights, was pulled up into a ponytail. The only noticeable makeup was her red lipstick. She was obviously drunk.

"Mind if I have a taste?" She said.

"Wh-" Hunter spun around to stare at the girl. "Oh, it's just you, Sabrina. Johnson isn't going to be very happy when he finds out how late you were up."

Sabrina laughed playfully as she seductively bit her bottom lip. "He doesn't need to find out. You can enjoy the night with me."

She slowly walked up to Hunter. The way her hips swung gracefully from side to side was mesmerizing to him. It was painfully obvious that she was trying to get his attention.

Hunter backpedaled as Sabrina continued forward. He gulped as his legs pressed against the counter. She had gotten close enough that he could feel her breath against his chest. It was only then he truly noticed how short she was, her head only reaching to the top of his chest.

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