『Chapter ❶❾』

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I slept lightly, and woke easily when Johnson stood at my door. His shadow is what really woke me up. I say up, and looked at my clock. It was an hour before the round began.

"I'm up, is everyone else up?!"

"All but Angel." I could tell Johnson was a little more than annoyed.

"Let her sleep. She'll need to." As I said that I realized I didn't know what powers she had.

"I'll wake her in an hour." I could see his shadow begin to move away. "Everyone else is waiting for you in the ops room."

I dressed quickly, and was still putting on my boots while running down the hallway. Falling on my face from the untied shoe laces on my one boot. As I pushed my face off the floor the elevator door opened.

Esparonza stepped out. He could see her stifling a laugh. "A bit tired aren't you?"

"Haha that's really funny. No I'm just so interested in the ground that I had to get a closer look." Rolling my eyes I stood up, and tied my shoe laces. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to say." She looked around then back at me. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't tell you more, and many other things."

I wasn't ready for this. The wounds still to fresh for her apologies. "Yea what ever. We need to get down to the planing room."

Walked past her. Her eyes showed that I had hurt her by not accepting. I just pushed past her guilt reaching stare that was pulling at me. My inner voice yelled at me to apologize for making her look like that.

She followed after me a few seconds later. It was an extremely quite ride down. When the door opened it took all I had to not run out of it. So instead I calmly walked out.

I noticed there was a ton of gear on the table as I entered. Genie was messing with some of it. There was even helmets with a HUD installed.

"What's all this?" I motioned to all of the gear.

Genie looked up, and hit her head on a shelf. She winced. "All this stuff I'd our gear I've made for these final rounds."

"Why though?" To say I was stunned would be lying. I was dumbfounded. How did she afford, make, or whatever she did to get them.

"Because it'll give us and edge we never had over the enemy." She pointed to some suits I hadn't seen before. These are state of the art, no scratch that, beyond state of the art, battle suits."

"Ba... battle suits?" That stunned me. She defiantly did something big to get those. "How, did you get these?"

Genie winked. "Why I sold my soul, and body to someone."

My eyes went wide. "What?!"

"I was joking! I made all of this."

It didn't make sense. Until I remembered that she was a technopath that could create anything she wanted when ever she wanted. Still though I was amazed by it. Sure most could do a few complicated things, but the amount of talent and power for this to happen... would be a ton.

"Hunter! Can you hear me?" Johnson was snapping his fingers.

I shook my head. "Huh, what?"

"You've been drooling over my tech." Genie looked slightly prideful.

"What's you orders?" Esparonza walked out of the door way. "Or are we just supposed to wing it."

The venom in her icy words made me cringe. "I want you all to suit up. Genie has custom made all of this for us. So ask her to suit you guys up."


I'm sorry for such a short chapter. I've hit a major writers block. Anyways to the questions.

What do you think of this chapter? What do you think will happen with Hunter and Esparonza? How about the sweet gear, what do you guys think some of the features are going to be on some of them?

Also happy Thanksgiving!

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