『Chapter ❶❹』

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Esparonza walked out of the MK-7 heli-craft, and onto the roof of the mansion. She needed someone who understood all of the medical stuff on the USB drive. She could only figure out that it was about Hunter.

Esparonza shook her head. She wished she had paid more attention in medical class back when she was ten. As she walked into the elevator, she noted how quiet it was. When she walked into the library with the computers, she saw Genie talking to Hunter, Johnson, Andrew, and Juliet.

"Hey, what's going on?!" Esparonza impatiently asked. She was hoping for Genie to analyze the USB disk.

Genie shot out of her chair. "Um, guys I'll be right back okay." She then looked at Esparonza, and narrowed her eyes. "Where have you been! Why haven't you called in?"

"Answer my question first. Then I'll answer yours."

Genie sighed, then sat back down in the seat she was sitting in only moments earlier. "Hunter woke up..."

"He did?! How's that possible? He wasn't supposed to be up until the end of these games. What's going on then."

"If you want me to finish telling you what's going on. Then you shouldn't interrupt me." Genie was clearly getting annoyed.

Esparonza rolled her eyes. "Fine please finish."

"So Hunter went looking for you, and sorta' got in a fight. Which he is in the middle of right now. So if I were you I'd be quiet so I can help him."


My eyes widened when Genie said that'd she would be right back. The comm went dead after that. Johnson and I exchanged glances. His eyes were as wide as mine. After a few more exchanges with my adversary I threw him into Johnson's adversary.

"What do we do!" It was Andrews voice I heard before I saw him, Juliet, and a few others fighting there way to us.

Johnson nodded at me. "You all just go on the defensive. Johnson, and I need some cover."

"We've been defending, and attacking for the past hour!" Juliet looked exhausted. "He won't give up!"

"Follow Hunters orders!" Johnson barked.

That made them all jump. With in seconds they formed a defensive circle around Johnson, and me. Just then I heard Genie back on the comm.

"What are you doing? I said stay on the offensive!" She screamed through the headset.

"I'm about to send Johnson into the middle of the crowd. His powers should slow them long enough for my last trick." I grinned.

Suddenly Esparonza was yelling at me. "Don't you dare."

"You don't even know what I'm going to do." I protested.

"You just woke up! You were out cold for nearly two weeks!"

"Listen I'm doing it whether or not you agree okay." I turned off the headset, and placed it in the ground. I nodded at Johnson. "Get ready." I counted down from five with my hand. When I hit zero Johnson took off towards the crowd of metas fighting us.

The others saw him go, and the followed. As they ran they cleared a path straight to Moonblade. He saw this, and ran down the cleared path to me.

"Your not even powerful enough to win!" With a savage growl he made a spear of of darkness.

"I may not be more powerful, but you haven't seen me at full have you?" I asked as I side stepped the spear he tossed at me. I was bluffing, yet I'm pretty sure he didn't know that.

This caught him off guard. He stopped for a second to rethink my bluff. "Lets just finish this Hunter!" He charged at me with the last word barely out of his mouth.

"I completely agree."


"What is he thinking!" Genie screamed.

Esparonza just watched for a while. "Hey Genie can you take a look at this since your obviously not busy." Esparonza hoped that Genie wouldn't put up much of a fight.

Genie sighed, she figured it was better than not doing anything. "Sure just tell me what I need to do."

"Well, that's just it I don't know."

"Here let me see the drive." Genie snatched the drive out of Esparonza's hand. He eyes went wide as she saw the info, but most she couldn't read because of a encryption in the files. "This may take me a while..."

"Just get it done before Hunter gets back."


So, what is Esparonza up to? Where do you guys think this is going, or want it to go? What is Hunter thinking!? What could be so important on that disk drive?

I hope you guys have been enjoying this so far! :D As always I love to hear comments, and see those votes. (Though comments are more important. Don't get me wrong though votes are still a huge part of getting this book seen.)

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