『Chapter ❶』

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All I hear is boing, boing, boing....

"I am weapon Z-25 the twenty-fifth out of twenty-six of my kind. All but me are dead or so I'm told. I killed them. Not that I wanted to, but I had to follow orders. Orders that get me locked up for weeks!"

"They say I'm too dangerous, that I have no feelings. That I am just a animal in a boys skin. Well, they're wrong I felt horrible for killing my team... My family. I had to do it they told me to!! If I didn't do it, I would have ended up the same way... I think."

Sometimes I get visits from doctors, and shrinks. It's always the same question. "Z-25, why did you kill your team?"

My reply is always the same. "With my life I can't afford to be weak." It's true I can't the weak always die. In training I learned that fast.

So I'm stuck here in this dull gray cell bouncing a ball. Until I get bored of that. Then I'll count the minuscule cracks in the walls. Which always turns out to be 1,462. I know where each, and every one of the cracks are without thinking.

The floor is much better. Only two cracks in it, but they never touch. Instead they twist around the opening of the floor before disappearing into the corners. When I first entered this cell was completely covered in filth, yet now it sparkles like a million stars.

The ceiling only has the one long light bulb that flickers occasionally. It's gray cement dulls the cell even more. I would break out, but they have an inhibitor collar around my neck. If I tried to pull it off it would injure me.

There's a knock at the door. I ignore it. It opens then "Got a new cell mate kid." the guard says, "Oh almost forgot she's as mean as you. Killed all of her team too." That gets my attention. I turn around to look at the guard, but he's already gone. In his place is a girl in a black skin tight jump suit, and a height of 5' 6". With long locks of light brown hair, light blue sad eyes with long eyelashes, and a athletic build.

She looks to me to like she should be a angel not a prisoner. I know better though than to think she's friendly. By the looks of it she's an Alpha or A. I'm a Zeta or Z. Not a good match by far. "What's you name?" I ask her.

"A-23, but my friends used to call me Espronza." She replied sadly then snorted. "So what's yours?" she asked bitterly

Sort of hurt I snapped back, "Espronza? thats kinda a cruel twist." I saw my words met the desired effect. Strangely though I felt guilty doing that. With the sad hurt look on her face. "Sorry that was wrong of me. I'm Z-25 though once I was called Hunter." I said in a softer tone. She looked at me, and smiled sadly.

Later that day they took out my old bed, put a bunk in it's place. Added a lock on the bathroom door, a full body mirror, and a folding table with a full deck of cards! In addition to two black plastic folding chairs.

Before dinner came I set the table, and chairs up in the corner of the room. Which by now was cramped, but comfortable. When dinner arrived I sat across from Espronza. Looking at her I saw that she was very hungry. As she had already finished her meal, and almost finished desert. "When was the last time you ate?" I asked.

"Five days ago." then in a softer voice she said. "The day after I killed my team."

"Oh, sorry. I mean I can only imagine how hard it must of been for you."

"Sorry but you can't. I killed them by letting them walk into a trap, and not warning them of it!" she yelled then started to sob. Losing my appetite I offered, "You can have the rest of my food that is if you want it. I'm getting a little fat anyways."

She looked up, and smiled a smile full of sorrow, gratefulness, and possibly even a little hit of joy. It left me feeling happy, sick, and sad for her loss. Not wanting to make her sad again, having lost my appetite I excused myself to bed. Espronza soon followed. Before we both fell asleep we vowed that we would get out of here.

The next few weeks came and went without any excitement at all. At the end of the second week there was a note with our breakfast. Espronza was the first to see it. she opened the letter, and read it. When she finished reading it her eyes where wider than silver dollars. "Hey you should take a look at this." She called out to me very uncertainly. Curious to see what she read. I went over and read it. "This can't be. Why would we be chosen to enter this?" I asked.

"I don't know." She replied quietly.

"This must be a mistake."

"Ask the guard when he comes by next."

"Ok, I think I will."

When the guard arrived a few hours later I asked him "This note we got. It's a mistake right?"

"Sorry kid its true. You'll be shipped out by this Wednesday." The guard replied, "Oh, congrats on the position. You'll be a great leader." He smiled, turned around, and shut the door.

I turned around shell shocked. I walked over to Espronza, and sat down. "Guess, we need to pack." I said with a cocky grin.

"Good thing all we have amounts to a single suitcase full."



Should A-23 be called: Espronza, Maya, or Anastasia?

also I was actually thinking about post this later but I just could not wait.

Comments greatly appreciated.

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