『Chapter ❷』

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When we left that Wednesday my adrenaline, which was coursing through my veins, was causing me to pace the room like a wild animal. Finally Esparonza asked me "You want me to knock you out? Because if you don't stop it I will." It was a idle threat, but I stopped anyways. An hour later the guard arrived with 5 others.

"We are turning you collars to max." our guard stated, "You know what that means right?"

I nodded my head.

"Good, well then let's get going."

They led us down a narrow, bright, and windowless hallway, and then turned into a wider hallway with some small, very high up, windows. When we finally got to the SUVs it felt like hours had gone by, but in reality it was just around ten minuets. The SUVs smelled of hot rubber, leather, and pine. Which to my heightened senses was pure luxury.

"Well good luck you two." Our guard said.

"Thanks" we both replied.

We got into an SUV and watched the compound vanish behind the rolling hills surrounding it.

"You think it'll be better there?" I ask while looking out a window

"I don't know. All I do know is that we can't afford to slack off, or dwell on the past." Esparonza replied.

"I know, I know"

"No you don't you're a game squad leader. You can't let you emotions guide you now."

I chuckled darkly. "Like I have much of a choice." I put as much venom into as I can.

After a few more comments we stayed silent for the rest of the ride. When we got to the front entrance of a ancient giant brick wall. The SUV stopped suddenly.

"This is as far as I'm allowed to go." The driver was saying, "Only you mutants and those darned creators are allowed"

Then he tossed us, and our luggage off the SUV. When the car was out of sight the gates opened. We just stared afraid of what we might find inside.

"Well are you just going to stand there looking like idiots, or are you going to come in?" said a voice in a speaker that I had missed.

"Uh, I think we'll be idiots for a few more seconds. Then we will come in." said Esparonza.

"Well don't take forever then." said the speaker.

After a few more moments we walked in. No sooner than we had the gates slammed closed with a dull ringing thud, and our collars fell off. We looked at each other with pure joy. Which was short lived.

"Get a move on you two!" the speaker was yelling.

We quickly obliged and walked down the road. While we walked we looked at the scenery. There were rabbits, and squirrels hiding in the forest which surrounded us. The rich smell of pine, maple, and hickory was overwhelming. Halfway to the mansion we saw four smaller buildings. Each looking like small three-story apartments.

There was a boy hidden in the tops of the trees sleeping. When we walked by he woke looked at us and jump down nearly fifty feet, and landed with the grace of a cat.

He looked to be about 12 years of age. With brown curly hair. a freckle filled face, and cat like eyes. If you had looked up fair in the dictionary his picture would be there.

"I was told to show you to your building." He said with an angelic voice.

"Our building?" I asked

"Yes, your building, or rather your teams" he relied with impatience.

"Lead the way." It only took us another ten minuets to get there.

"I will be back tomorrow to show you around. Until then your room is down that hall, and Esparonza's is the next one down."

He turned and started to leave, but stopped. "Oh, and congrats to both of you on be leader and vice-leader." Then without looking back he walked out and was gone.
A/N I know, I know where's the action?!? Well hopefully it will be the next chapter. Also I know that this is a short chapter sorry I will try to make the next one longer. But any ways what do you think do far?

As always comments and votes are greatly appreciated!

Update 1/29/15

So theres a pic of Esparonza attached to this page now.

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