『Chapter ❽』

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I nearly jumped because I wasn't sure if my eyes where deceiving me or not. I remembered her from the academy. The officials had said that she was terminated from the academy. Because she was unruly and lacked self discipline.

"J... Juliet? Is that you?" I stammered.

"How do you know my name!?" She half whispered half screamed.

Disbelief filled my entire body, along with some anger at the crowd chanting, that she didn't recognized me. "Juliet I was the one who always covered for you when you'd be pranking some one."

Her eyes widened. "Hunter?"

"Jul don't listen to him." Her sister glared at me. "He's messing with your mind!"

I heard Johnson grumble under his breath. I was really starting to get annoyed. "No Juliet it really is me."

"I'll be the judge of that." Juliet's eyes narrowed. "What was the prank pulled on Mr. Hawthorn?"

"I can't believe you're buying this!" Her sister looked right at me. "Jul, he killed his own team! He's a trained killer!"

"No I'm not tricking yo..." Just then I heard a thump. I looked where the sound came from. Juliet's sister lay unconscious against the arena's wall. Johnson had thrown her with his powers.

I looked right at him. "Dude why'd you do that!?"

He simply stated, "She was getting annoying."

I looked back at Juliet who was now terrified. " I'm sorry about what Johnson did."

She looked right into my eyes. "Just answer my question."

"Okay, okay let me think. Lets see you played three pranks on him, but the most memorable was when you put a fake pressure activated bomb on his desk and seat. He must of stayed stock still for an hour at the very least." I began to laugh.

Juliet giggled. "Ya that was fun wasn't it. So you really are hunter aren't you."

"Yes I am."

Johnson cleared his throat. "I really don't mean to be the voice of bad news. But who's going to win? Obviously you two know each other so what are we going to do?"

"I hate to say it." I looked at Johnson then at Juliet. Then I looked at the forest. "But he's right."

Juliet thought for a second. "In the rules it says a team can't compete in the games against it self."

"That helps us how?"

"Don't you see. Juliet can join our team!"

"And my sister." She glared at Johnson for a few seconds.

"Okay then, but aren't you part of another team?"

"Hunters right."

"Thankfully no not yet." Just then we heard a timer being started. "We've only got a minute until the crowd decides!"

Johnson looked at me. "It's now or never!"

I looked at Juliet heart racing I stuck out my hand. "Welcome to the team."

She smiled and shook my hand. "Thanks for having us."

I looked up, and yelled at the crowd. "I hear that we're part of the same team! We can't fight each other!" A few seconds later the timer died, and we got teleported out.


What do you think is the reason he got lied to? I'd love to hear what you guys think.

As aways votes and comments are appreciated.

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