『Chapter ❷❽』

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Andrew was amazed at how quickly he moved for being beyond exhausted. His body cried out in pain, and made him want to stop. Andrew knew he couldn't do that; Johnson would never allow him to. Because they were still about two clicks away from their rendezvous with Hunter, and Esparonza.

"What do you think happened to Hunter, and Esparonza?" Andrew couldn't stop thinking what might've happened to them.

Johnson sighed, turned around, and looked at Andrew. "For the last time if I knew I'd tell you."

The few from morning was just starting to evaporate, making the lush forest air heavy with moisture. The sun was just starting

"Can't you call Genie?" Andrew nearly fell as he tripped on a root.

"No, the signal's jammed." Johnson spun back around. "Besides radio silence isn't something we can just break any time we want."

Andrew shook his head, and mumbled, "Ya right."

"Now hustle! We need to be at the rendezvous soon." Johnson charged ahead attacking the terrain.


I looked over to Esparonza, who was lying face first, on the ground. Her body was quickly rebuilding itself from any injuries she might've gotten. Her ears were oozing with crimson blood from the concussive force that hit us. She slowly crawled to a semi-standing/semi-crouching stance, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Amazingly I hadn't received and injuries at all. In fact, I felt even more energized if that was even possible. I thought back to how I could sense, and track the power going into the house. How easy it was to follow and it's unique signature. If I could do that then so could anyone else.

I closed my eyes and, forcibly, made myself power down. If I wanted I could still power up. Even if I couldn't Alpha I'd still be very powerful.

"You all right?" I shouted over the ringing in my ears.

Esparonza looked at me and nodded. "Yes."

I nodded, realizing I didn't need to shout. "Good, we need to keep moving. I have a feeling that whoever did this will be back."

"I don't doubt it." Esparonza gritted her teeth as she fully stood up. "The Creators are obviously behind this."

"I know." The way she had nearly died, the past 12 hours where fuzzy, but I knew that only they would have the power and reason to do it.

I marched past heading towards Johnson, and the team. By the distance Genie gave I'd estimate that we'd reconnect with the team by high noon.


Glory watched on the 8' by 11' screen, as Hunter literally suppressed every once of power he had inside himself. The other meta had obviously scared him into hiding it. She was truly amazed at his apparent control over his powers, and in his old body no less.

She nearly jumped out of skin as what appeared to be a sleek, futuristic version of a 7th generation iPod nano vibrated. Wanting to ignore it she brushed her hand over it to dismiss it. Yet as she touched it a feeling tugged at her. She opened the clip on the case, pulling it off of her jean's belt loop, and turned on the screen.

A sentence scrolled across the black screen, "Agent J and relative deceased. Cause of death: murder. Person(s) responsible: unknown. Suspects: A-23, Agent Andrew, and Moonblade. Body location: unknown."

Dropping the device, she gasped. She hadn't thought anyone would kill Juliet. Her biological daughter.

Well, biological is a fairly strong word. More like a girl Meta with her genes inside her. Much like a early version of a clone, except it still need a mans seed to give it life.

"We need to end this now." She thought to herself.


Andrew, had just gotten lunch for himself when the girl that helped Angel, sat down next to him. She seemed to be young, and full of energy. Andrew couldn't tell how young she truly was because of her deep violet eyes. They were full of years of wisdom, pain, and battle.

He pondered why she'd offer helping Angel, or why she seemed to almost cling to her. They were obviously very close in age. By the looks of it they both look like very early academy graduates.

"So, uh hi." Andrew rubbed vigorously at the back of his neck. "You're the girl that helped Angel right?"

"Yep, maybe, just maybe, you're bright than you act." She bit into a stale sandwich.

Andrew could feel his blood beginning to boil. "What do you mean by that!"

She shrugged. "Just how you went and killed those girls."

"I did what I had to." He sipped vigorously at his iced tea he had brought.

"Oh, and what'll happen to Hunter when he returns?" She locked her unnatural violet eyes with his. "You've already seen how he reacted to that other girl's near death. What about those other two?"

"He... will understand. If he doesn't he's a fool!" Andrew was enraged and terrified at the same time.

She finished the sandwich, and started on the small Cliff bar. "And if he doesn't you're as good as dead."

"Speaking of being as good as dead, aren't you a tad young to be out of the academy?"

She blinked. "No, in fact Angel, and I were part of an advanced program."

Andrew chewed on his sandwich processing what she said. "It must've been hard. What made it special?"

"Hunter did." She bit here lip. "He is more dangerous than anyone realizes. The Creators were afraid of him, so they created us."

"So why help him?" Andrew was preparing himself to have to possibly kill another meta.

"He's got hope, and has a light in him that makes me want to follow him anywhere. The Creators weren't." She stood up and left Andrew just sitting there thinking.


I hiked ahead of Esparonza, following a game trail that for now went where we needed to go. The damp forest air was some how crisply clean, and still. Everything was silent after the shock wave, or maybe it was just that my hearing still hadn't fully returned yet.

I nearly jumped out if my skin as a voice entered my mind. "Why Hunter?"

"Why what?" I thought back annoyed.

I could sense a sigh. "Why play these games? Why don't you fight back more?"

"I play these games to get the chance to fight the creators, and to show them that we aren't just things." I nearly tripped on a root sticking up from the ground. "Besides they tried to kill you."

"I can't die so easily, besides how did you know it was me?" I smile as Esparonza asked that.

"Easy you've got a telepathic voice that I can hear. Now come on we are gong to be late!" I sped up as I thought that.


"Miss?" Glory's assistant, Abbie, reached out to touch her.

Glory snapped out of the daze she had been in. "I'm fine Abbie. Bring in all of Z-25's team except for Johnson and Esparonza."

"Understood," Abbie turned, "Shall we prepare the stasis tubes?"

"No, I want them awake, and have them draw Z-25 in."

Abbie nodded, then left to prepare a squad to capture the team. She wondered at Glory's sudden change in tactics. She knew Drake would be happy though.



So first off this was supposed to of been posted yesterday, but I was to busy to. For that I am sorry.

What do you think will happen next? How will Hunter react to this?

The Meta Code (Updated Sporadically)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora