『Chapter ❹』

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I could not sleep that night. After what seemed like hours, I got up and walked quietly so as not to wake anyone. I let my instincts guide me, and was surprised when I found myself at the training field. There was a lone figure there messing with some sort of tech. I walked over, yet before I could ask her what she was doing I felt electricity flowing towards the tech. Even my energy started to drop. "What is that thing?!?" I rasped, starting to feel weak I dropped to one knee.

The girl startled, jumped and turned to look at me.

"Oh sorry thought I was the only one here."

"Please...turn.....it......off" this was not good I was on the verge of passing out.

"Oh, right sorry your a bladed-Electrix," she was saying while turning around, and proceeded to turn the blasted machine off."

"Thanks" I smiled feebly, "why are you out here?"

"Only time I can practice making or modifying my machines, and not hurt someone." She replied, "Kind of like what happened to you."

"Oh, makes sense I suppose. So I'm assuming your power is smarts?"

"Well no I'm just that smart. My power is the ability to mold tech to my will."

"Wow that's a power?"

"Yes it is," she said indignantly.

"You got a place to stay?"

"Not really just under the trees."

"Well if you don't want to sleep under the trees I have a room available if you want."

"I don't want to impose."

"Nonsense Esparonza will love the company!"

"Well okay"

"Kay I'll show you to it."

"Actually I would like to stay out for a little bit."

"Okay, then follow this road until you get to the first building. The code to enter is 3476, third floor room 4 will be open for you."

"Okay thanks again."

After that little encounter I was all to happy to crawl back into bed. The sheets feeling like silk, and the pillows like clouds. Before I full feel asleep I heard the elevator moving.

My sleep that night was interrupted by a scream. I stumbled out of bed, and into the door as it opened. Johnson ran in looked around. He found me holding my head.

"What happened to you?" concern evident in his voice.

"You did, when you opened the door!"

"Oooh, I was wondering what that slight resistance was."

"Okay I get it, what do you want?" A hint of annoyance evident. I just wanted to sleep.

"Well, actually Esparonza wants you. There's been two intruders."

I was instantly awake. "Intruders! where?"

"Well uh, ones still lose. The other is uh."

"Just spit it out man!"

Johnson starting to get embarrassed said, "Well she's..."

"She?" dread building inside me, "Take me to her."

Johnson seemed relived that he didn't have to say anything. Leading me up to the second floor library. When we got there the girl from earlier that night was sitting down. Next to her was a pile of book as tall as a small freezer.

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