『Chapter ❷❼』

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Jason cowered in front of me, his eyes full of terror. He had backed himself into a corner without any seams or cracks around it. The floor underneath him had small specks of blood from a small cut across his wrist.

"We should end him." Esparonza's voice sounded close to a demons, which surprised me. It was if another being had spoken from her body.

I looked into Jason's deep, almost purple, eyes. "He's not worth it."

"He's a huge jerk, all he does is cause suffering!" I could hear her claws sliding out even more. I guessed they were almost a foot long now. "He most defiantly deserves it!"

Jason looked so pathetic lying there. His body trembled from the pain, and exertion of trying to stop me from sir pressing his powers. His once fine suit had been torn, and bloodied.

"No, Esparonza, just don't." I still surpressed Jason's powers so he could t hurt her, but I'd release them as soon as he was attacked. I don't care who it is, he should have a fighting chance.

Esparonza pushed past me, with surprising ease and quietness, rage conquering her every action. "You're weak Hunter. You can't do what needs to be done."

"If you truly believe that then you won't have any problem getting past me." She looked back at me questioningly. "I won't let you hurt him, even if it means defending him. I don't tolerate killing a helpless enemy."

Esparonza looked extremely conflicted as she looked between Jason and me. After a few seconds she hung her head in silent defeat. Her silver blades slowly receding back to its home under her armor.

"Just know I'll say I told you so when you wished you had let me killed him."

I nodded. "I wouldn't expect you not to."


Andrew scrubbed vigorously at his blood stained body. Juliet and her sisters blood wouldn't leave his body. It clung to him as if it were his own blood and skin. It was never meant to be like this. Never before had a mission of any kind have him kill anyone, yet now he had. He shivered remembering the felling that something had died when he took her life.

Andrew slipped off of the moist boulder he was kneeling on, and face first into the freezing cold water. As his head surfaced from the water he drew in a sharp breath. The river was almost as cold as ice. Oddly though he felt like it was still warmer than the darkening pit in his soul.

His heart felt as if it'd been shattered, as he saw Juliet's body impaled on a fallen tree. Her body nearly intact, and was just staring back into his eyes. Her skin was pale white, dried blood running down her open mouth in a silent cry of misery. The rising sun made her features very haunting-nearly ghoul like. He nearly threw up; the bile rising into his mouth.

Slower then he wanted he ran out of the water, and far into the forest where he'd be safe from her memory. He decided right then and there that he wouldn't ever return to that part of the river, even if it meant he couldn't wash the blood off anymore.

He looked down at his hands; blood covered most of it, but where it didn't it looked bleached from all the scrubbing. After what felt like eons looking at his hands he walked back to the clearing. Being careful so he would have to see the impaled corpse, he picked up his comm and weapons off the ground.

"Now to get back to camp..." Andrew sighed, and jogged back to where he hoped the camp would still be.


"We need to move! Someone or something attacked Juliet and her sister, or did you not hear Genie?" Johnson was inches from Angel's face, so close she could smell his breath.

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