『Chapter ❻』

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When we finally got back to the house Johnson, and I had a huge breakfast. It wasn't until after we where done that I noticed the Cat-boy through the window. He was looking at me menacingly, and yet did not move when I stood to talk to him. Maybe it was because he was siting in a tree.

"What do you want? If you haven't noticed we're trying to get ready to leave."

He blinked, "Beware the shadow, and the watcher." Hissed out, then jumped down, and walked away.

I turned and looked at Johnson. "What do you think he meant by that?"

He shrugged, "I don't know."

We both just stared at each other for a moment. With silent agreement we bot headed up stairs to finish getting ready. As we packed Genie gave us two two-way radios that fit in our ears. Then we both loaded into one of the two osprey like Helie-planes. With a part of me still wondering what that cat-boy meant.


We where the last ones to show up, and everyone tried their hardest to stay away from us. It almost felt like we where sinners among church goers. While we waited for our names to be called we went to the stadium

The stadium was as large as two full sized football fields long and wide. In the center of the field was a dense forest which was about 100 yards long, and as wide as the field was. On one side were two girls both looked exactly the same like clones or twins. They where stunningly beautiful. They had pure black skin, and dark piercing eyes. I turned my attention to the other two. One was a boy the other a girl. The Boy looked no older than twelve. With brown shaggy hair, brown eyes with inexperiance in them, and a freckley face I figured he would have a rude awaking. The girl on the other hand was very beautiful. She was about 5' 6" and had very athletic build. Though her black hair, deep green eyes with battle readiness, and delicate pink lips made her look very lethal.

Both teams looked very formidable in their black tactical suits, and combat boots. I could not find what made them able to tell each other apart. So I decided to ask one of the other teams that had already gone. It took me another fifteen minutes of asking to get an answer.

"When you go back to watch look at their wrists. Thier team number will be there." One of the injured survivors grumbled out.

'Thanks," is all I said in reply before leaving to see for myself. When I did look at the contest again I saw what he said would be there. For another hour I watched as four more sets went in. As I watched I noticed the how almost the entire crowd was cheering for the death of one out of the two teams to die. There where the few exceptions like Johnson and I, but that was only a few. Johnson and I never got to see the outcome of that round. Though we would be the next to be cheered for or at.

As I walked onto the field the smell of wet moss, a hint of pine, and damp earth filled my nose. The mossy ground beneath my feet felt like a sponge. As I walked on it water, mud, and a little bit of blood squished out. I was thankful for the black combat boots on me at that very moment. The line of trees ahead of us was so dense and dark that it looked more like night in there than day.

The walls were mostly stained red and black with hints of green. from previous battles. I couldn't even see the audience, yet I could hear them chanting for death. As I walked the world around me began to fade as I let my inner hunter out.



Sorry about the late update and the short chapter I will try to update on time this go round though! This chapter is dedicated to @2riter for his inspiring work.

Also I'm thinking of possibly doing NaNoWriMo this year. Do you think I should or not I'd like to know.

As always comments and votes are greatly appreciated!

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