『Chapter ❼』

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As I ran through the dense forest, barely making any sound. I kept thinking to myself what I would do when I found the other team, finally I decided to not kill them like the other teams would. I wouldn't do that unless... Suddenly the smell of pine, that I had smelled for hours, changed. The scent was someone other than Johnson. It was of two people I knew that much. They smelled heavily of rosy perfume, and strawberries.

I signaled Johnson to get ready for a fight. He dropped down so fast that I thought he fell. But he put up his hand to signal that he was ready. I nodded and crouched down next to a scrubby looking bush. I willed my fast paced heart to slow to a crawl, and my breathing slowed with it. Everything was silent not even a bird chirping. The little bit of light that penetrated the rooftop of the forest was broken and dim making it hard to see farther than a few yards away.

I started to make out two figures in the brush right across from me. They looked to be just a few years younger than me. It looked like they where having an argument over something. They where twin girls. Both looking identical except for their hair color. One had long dense blonde hair. The other had short black hair.

"I'm telling you I saw something move." The first girl was saying.

The other girl just rolled her eyes. "Jul you're just being paranoid. I just checked this spot a few minutes ago. Besides it could very well be a squirrel"

The other girl who apparently called Jul sighed. "Fine, whatever. Let's just keep moving then."

As soon as their backs where to me I jumped out from the brush. At that exact same moment Johnson jumped up in front of them. His arms where already begining to glow brightly. I looked at the two girls.

"I suggest you give up." I commanded, "I don't want to hurt you."

Jul's sister was the first to reply. "How? I... I... I just looked there." she trully looked stunned.

"Yes you did." Johnson smiled, "Yet you forgot the trees."

"See I told you!!!" Jul yelled at her sister. Something about her voice, and that name pulled at my memories. I couldn't remember where I heard it before though. When Jul and her sister saw I was distracted they both ran. Her sister ran faster than a human was supposed to.

Johnson looked at me. "Dude, whats the matter?"

"I think I've met these girls before..." I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Never mind I probably just ran into her at the training field."

"Ya, maybe." Johnson looked good and hard at me for a few more seconds. "Shall we go after them?"

To answer his question I just began to jog after them. Johnson followed closely behind me still looking worried. We ran for a few more minutes before we found them hiding in a tree near the edge of the forest. The sound of the crowd was getting louder. They where chanting for the girls death, or mine.

We where still a few hundred yards away when the two girls jumped down and tried running. They only got to field before they tripped on something, and fell on their faces. The crowd went wild with frenzy before they went silent. I knew they where expecting me to kill the girls. That thought made me sicker than anything else.

I walked up to the two girls. "This is the last time I ask. Will you or will you not yield."

Jill rolled over onto her back, then stood. She looked right into my eyes. I could see the pain, terror, and frustration in her eyes. Yet what caught me off-guard was I knew her.


Cliff hanger!!! Sorry for the chapter being short. The next one should be longer. Who do you think she is? I'd love to hear what you guys think.

As aways votes and comments are appreciated.

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